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Frida had on a red and black striped pullover and red pants, while Benny wore a white shirt with small gray flaws and a leather jacket, it was autumn and the cold was starting to be felt, a lot; They were in Paris promoting Super Trouper, they had an agenda to fulfill, for a moment, and as a result of the complication they had with Frida, the album was delayed, but finally they saw the light at the end of the road.

She was nervous, it was officially her first album promo, or at least that she remembered, so she could really feel her guts rumbling. Benny put on perfume, ready to leave the hotel room, between them things were and were not, there was a lot of love and affection but there was still an invisible barrier that separated them, it was a tense situation. "Can we go now?" he asked looking at her.

Frida shivered and felt a sudden urge to urinate, "can you wait a second?" She asked and he nodded, as he had no choice. Frida ran to, raised the toilet top and lowered her pants; as she emptied her bladder she still felt that it wasn't enough, she had nothing more to take out and she still had the desires, she knew she should calm down. Her nausea returned, she had vomited at least three times in the last two weeks, but it attacked her just when she was in a situation that made her nervous or tense.

She tried to control her emotions but the cramps were not going to give up, before it was too late and on her own initiative, she decided to kneel down and place her face in the toilet, she immediately began to vomit. She was pressing so hard to let it all out from her stomach that she could feel the pain taking over her body. In those moments she wished with all her being to be able to be in her house, but this was her life, to which she had to get used to, she had to work if she wanted to keep everything that she had achieved until now.

Benny who was in the bedroom heard the sound of her vomiting, he approached the door and knocked, then took the audacity to turn the handle and open the door, on other occasions she had not allowed it. By then, Frida was standing up and ready to pull the rope, "I told you to wait for me," she said somewhat frustrated.

"I heard you throw up," Benny was direct.

"I'm nervous," she confessed turning on the faucet to wash her hands. "I haven't done this and I don't know what to expect," she added.

"Agnetha, Björn and I are here to help you," he said, "but I'm still shocked, why are you throwing up?"

"I'm nervous," she repeated and rolled her eyes, then took the towel to wipe her hands and mouth, turned and walked out of the bathroom leaving Benny there inside her.

"I think it's time to get some tests done as soon as we get home," he said following behind her, Frida of course wouldn't argue with that and nodded, the last thing she needed right now was Benny insisting. She grabbed her bag from on top of the bed and headed for the door letting him know that she was ready.

They arrived at the studio, Björn, Agnetha, Görel and Stig already there apparently just thickening them. "Good morning," Frida said politely.

"Good morning," Görel answered smiling and went to hug her, Frida squeezed her hard, she needed the hug.

"Are you ready?" Agnetha also came over and patted her back, she had previously expressed her anxiety, it was the first time that she would be singing in a show, among the other busy schedule they had for that short trip in Paris.

"More or less," she confessed and tried to smile, the last thing she wanted was for them to feel pity for her, she hated that feelings.

"Anything, let us know and we'll help you," Agnetha offered.

"Thank you," Frida nodded. Then they walked to the dressing room, they had to touch up their makeup a bit, the girls had already done it themselves, as the trip was short they did not bring extra personnel, but at the last minute Lollo offered to accompany them, after all they would be on international television and image was important. She was helping Frida a little extra, her skills had deteriorated a lot after the accident.

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