A Kid.

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Benny opened the car door so that Frida could get out, now it wasn't so cold but still cool, it was 7:00 p.m. and clear still, summer would soon come in so the days were longer than in winter. He took her hand and they both entered the hotel, she was very nervous but she was guided by him that she knew what she was doing and where they were going. "Good evening, how can I help you?" The elegant blonde woman dressed in black who was at the reception asked.

"Good evening," Benny said without letting go of Frida's hand for a second. "We have a reservation in the presidential suite in the name of Benny Andersson," he replied.

"That's true," the woman immediately nodded. "We are waiting for you," she continued, taking a key to later hand it to him. "Everything is ready as requested," she added.

"Thanks!" Benny responded taking the key and looked at Frida smiling, "come on..." he said and squeezed her hand guiding her to the lifts. Frida did not know what to say or think, everything was very new for her but still she wanted to try, she knew that he was trying hard to make things work and that she felt something for him again.

When the elevator marked the 18th floor, Benny allowed her so that she would leave first and then him, Frida didn't go far and waited for him to continue, Benny held her hip and they both walked to the suite. "Make sure you're comfortable," he asked, opening the door. Frida stopped for a moment and looked inside, it was beautiful. Throughout the room there was a large window with a balcony overlooking the city of Stockholm and the river, in the background the sunset. She kept walking, the room was well decorated, the bed had roses and a bucket with ice and two Moët's, in front of the window there was a table with dinner ready and a bouquet of roses; Benny reached over and took it to give it to her. "I hope you like them," she took and sniffed them.

"Thank you," she replied and she stared at him, she didn't know what would happen now but in him she could see a lot of passion and love for her, she had no doubt about it.

"I want you to let me show you how much I love you," he said approaching and gently caressing her face as he stared at her, he was dying to kiss her but he wanted to go slowly.

"I know how much you love me," Frida replied putting her hand on his and looked down. It wasn't that she didn't know he loved her, it was that she didn't feel the same passion.

"You are my reason for being," he insisted as if she didn't know, he was committed to telling her, reminding her, and showing her. Frida sighed and he turned to pick up a bottle and open it. "I know you can't drink but maybe a drink tonight won't hurt you," he told her.

"Two either, maybe..." she assured him and put the roses on the table and took off her coat, she wanted to relax and see what the night brought her. She had many questions in her head that she wanted to answer little by little and for that she had to start somewhere.

Benny passed her a glass and kept another for him, then took her hand and helped her sit up. "Don't you recognize this hotel room?" He asked playing with her mind a bit.

Frida frowned and looked around her. "Should I?" She asked curiously. "I mean, this is not my room and if my intuition is correct, we have been to many hotel rooms," she said.

Benny chuckled, "I could tell that you're lying to me and that you really remember our whole life," he joked at that stately reply.

"Why would I be lying about my memories?" Frida asked him challengingly, she made him very curious, although maybe she was not lying but she for a few days was omitting to talk to him about what she remembered at the wedding.

"I don't think you're doing it," Benny replied taking a sip from his glass. "But nothing would please me more, that this was just a joke or a bad dream," he was sincere.

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