knowing me, knowing you

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No one heard from Frida for the rest of the day. Benny was of course worried, her being locked in the bedroom also meant that she didn't eat anything. He was sitting on the couch in the library reading some newspapers, but he couldn't just sit there and pretend nothing was happening. He got up, folded the newspaper and put it on the desk, looked outside and it was starting to get dark, despite it being early, the darkest season in the northern hemisphere was just about to begin.

He walked out of the library, heard murmurs coming from the living room. Heading there, it looked like a gathering of siblings; Lotta, Hans, Peter and Heléne were sitting there talking on the sofa. "Do I interrupt?" He came closer.

"Hey! No," Hans invited. "We were just talking. We have been told that the family grows," he added. Benny tried to smile, but then remembered what a mess they were in.

"Yes, but far from bringing happiness I only see sadness and long faces," he said sadly. He felt bad expressing himself like that, because in the long run he didn't want that for his new kid, now the only thing he felt was pity.

"It's the shock of the news, but all good," Hans tried to be positive.

"Where is Frida? So we can give her a hug," Peter asked.

"Frida is in the bedroom, I assume she doesn't want to talk to anyone," he said.

"I'm here," Frida said entering the room. "I have to talk to all of you," on her face you could see that she had cried all afternoon, but it was not for less.

"If you want to talk about your baby, I don't want to be in the conversation. I feel betrayed," Lotta to complicate it further, said. Frida stopped her holding her arm when she was about to leave the room.

"Wait," Frida looked at her, returning her to the seat. "What I will say will be brief and I don't intend to change the minds of any of you with what I will say," she said firmly. "I know you don't like the idea of ​​a baby in the family, especially since it's my and Benny's first baby. I do not intend to make any of you love him or her if you don't want to, but I must make a decision for myself and for my peace of mind, which I have already lost."

"Frida, I think we're all going to collaborate so that you're okay," Benny agreed and spoke for the others, although he didn't know how possible that would be if Lotta was reluctant.

"You don't have to do a damn thing for me," she cut him off. "I've made the decision to leave the house for a while, I need to be alone and prepare for this," she said leaving everyone stunned.

"What?!" Benny immediately exclaimed.

"I'm not looking for anyone's approval," she met his gaze. "I need some time for myself and focus on what I want," she added. "I don't care if you agree with my decision, but I think you are all big and mature enough to fend for yourselves." Lotta looked at her, of all that her mother could say, she never imagined that this would be her decision, and she had to confess that she felt bad, they shouldn't go to those extremes either.

"I'll go with you," Benny said.

"You won't go with me, no one will," she refused.

"What about our marriage?" Benny felt a lump in his throat.

"I'm not asking for a divorce, I'm just asking for some time apart," she clarified.

"After this time divorce comes, I know," he said quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. He was very afraid and it showed through his eyes. Frida did not make any other comment, apparently nobody had anything to say.

Benny felt frustrated and powerless, few things got him out of his box, but definitely being under so much stress and diverse emotions made him desperate. He nervously left the place, he couldn't take it anymore, Frida looked at her watch and she also decided to get out of there, she didn't even address any of her children.

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