Old Frida.

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It was Monday morning, Benny had woken up early and was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for the children. Edna, who was the one who helped them with the house, had not yet arrived because she had a break on the weekends. He had to go out for a while and even though Edna would go, he didn't want Frida to stay alone either, because she still didn't know her and maybe it could be uncomfortable for her. "Who is taking us to school today?" Lotta entered the kitchen putting her backpack on the table.

"Can you take the bus? I don't want to leave Frida alone," he responded turning the eggs and he seemed rushed.

"Okay," Lotta murmured and took a glass to drink water. Benny looked at her and noticed her reaction, he knew that she didn't like to take the bus unlike her brothers.

"Hey! Sorry, you know it's been crazy these days but I promise to take you back to school every day," he assured her.

"Okay, don't worry about it. You aren't always there anyway, I'm used to it," she replied.

"Go call your brothers so you won't be late," he asked her and began to put things on the table.

Frida was just waking up, Benny had already bathed and dressed but he still didn't want to go out without knowing that she was fine. He was combing his hair in front of the mirror when he noticed that she was already awake. "Good morning," he told her as she yawned.

"Good morning," she felt curdled so she had to stretch a bit trying not to hurt herself.

"Love, I'm going out for a bit," he sat up on the bed and put his hand on her belly. "Edna, she will be at the house for anything you need."

"I'll be fine, you don't have to worry," she closed her eyes again.

"Sure? I don't want to leave you alone, but I promise I will return as soon as possible."

"You don't have to worry every time you go out, I'll be fine and I'm not going anywhere."

"Okay, I'll be at the office for a while so you can call me anything there, the phone number is written down in the notebook next to the phone," he explained.

"Understood, go well," she replied. Benny looked at her for the last time and caressed her face, he missed kissing her when they were going to say goodbye but he didn't want to be reckless either, so he decided to get out of bed and finally leave.

He went downstairs and went straight to the phone by dialing Agnetha's house, he didn't feel very safe leaving Frida completely alone, especially since she wasn't recovered yet, so when he heard Agnetha on the other end of the phone he immediately felt well. "Good Morning."

"Hello Agnetha, how are you?"

"Fine, how are you?"

"Well. Hey, I have to go out to the studio for a moment and the truth is I don't want Frida to stay alone for a long time, do you think you can come in a while to see how she is? Edna will be here so you don't have to worry, it's just for you to check that everything is okay," he finally asked.

"Yeah right. No problems, I take care of her so you go easy," Benny knew he could count on Agnatha but he still had a hard time asking her for a favor, but he was more relieved that she had accepted. He warned Edna that he was going out and that Frida was upstairs resting, after that he went to work.

Frida was making the bed, she had already brushed her teeth and washed her face, but still only using one of her hands she felt the need to do things for herself. Someone knocked on the door of the room and she ordered to enter, Agnetha opened the door and had a tray with breakfast in her hand and around her legs a blond child who seemed shy and did not allow her to advance much.

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