Super Trouper

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Benny was in the dark, he felt a great pressure on his chest as if he had a truck crushing him. And he heard the screech of a car coming violently closer, then a light that went from small to large as he sped up. He was sweating cold and when his sight managed to recover he saw Frida's face that was going to crash against a wall. "Frida, stop!" He cried out in desperation, feeling the anguish rise over him and eat at his stomach. "Stop!" He screamed again feeling helpless.

The car crashed, fell apart and was now smoking. "No, no, no..." he yelled in desperation. He then ran to the car, it was going to explode and he had to get the love of his life out of there. The car was wrecked and he didn't even want to imagine what he would find inside, but he had time against him, he couldn't think about it anymore. He opened the piece of door that was left, there was blood everywhere, blood or car oil, he couldn't tell anymore. "My love!" He exclaimed seeing how broken Frida was.

"Benny, let me die," she said crying, she closed her eyes and suddenly there was a whistle, as if something was going to explode. Benny felt a great fear, like never before, he had to get her out of there. It was too late, the flames began to consume the car, and therefore Frida, he had to get away, or so he forced himself. He threw himself to the ground crying inconsolably when he saw how his wife was consumed in the flames of the fire and without him being able to do anything. His heart ached, a lot.

"Frida, my love..." he murmured regretfully, "nooo, don't leave me," he turned on the bed.

Frida had woken up hearing that he was muttering things that she did not understand, and she could see his anguish on the face, she deduced that it was because of a nightmare. She didn't know what to do, maybe she had to wake him up. "Benny," she whispered putting her hand on his chest to calm him down. He didn't wake up, she felt bad because he seemed to be having a horrible dream about her. Frida decided to lie on his chest and began to caress him, perhaps that way he would find a little more peace.

Benny's eyes widened suddenly and astounded. He was in a trance of confusion so he had to wait a few seconds before realizing that Frida was on his chest hugging him, he gasped, some tears had actually come out of his eyes, the pain persisted after the dream. He closed his eyes to recover and also hugged her comfortingly, it was just that, a nightmare. But he knew that at some point that dream came true and it was a nightmare that would always haunt him.

"Are you okay?" Frida asked concerned as soon as she noticed that he was awake.

"I was having a nightmare," he whispered back. Frida got up and sat down next to him.

"Were you having a nightmare about me?" She took his hand. "What was it?"

"I don't want to think about that," he excused himself, staring at her, then brought his hand to her cheek and caressed it.

"People say if you tell your dreams they won't come true," she commented trying to persuade him.

"It was horrible, I don't want to talk about it," he lamented. Frida lay down again, both on their backs, she held his hand and neither said anything for a few minutes.

"Do you want to go to therapy with me?" She dared to ask again, knowing that he needed it too. Benny was slow to respond, and she could feel the tension as he squeezed her hand.

"If you want I can go with you," he added, leaning in to kiss the corner of her mouth good night, they didn't know the time but it was the wee hours of the morning. "Sleep, tomorrow is another day," he assured her.

"Are you alright now?" She was still worried about him.

"I'm fine now, it was just a nightmare," he answered to calm her down, but the anguish was still in his chest. Frida stayed with her head on his arm while he hugged her and watched her fall asleep, he still couldn't close his eyes because his mind was made up of a sea of ​​thoughts.

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