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"I have to stop at Agnetha's house to hand over the apartment's keys," Frida commented before leaving the flat, Benny already had her suitcase in hand to go downstairs.

"We can do that tomorrow when we come to pick up your car," he commented, since they would leave Frida's car there so they wouldn't leave separately.

"No," Frida refused. "My responsibility is now to deliver it and thank her, I prefer to do it today," Benny finally agreed.

Upon arrival, Björn's car was parked in front of the house, but that was not strange for them. Benny got out of the car and immediately went to open Frida's door, who had been distracted looking for the apartment keys in her bag. Benny held out his hand to her, she held it and also got out of the car. They both headed to the door and Benny rang the bell, being attended by Björn a minute later. "Hello, how are you guys?" He said shaking hands.

"Hello, fine." Frida hugged him.

"What's happening?" Benny immediately noticed that something was up.

"Come in," Björn invited them. Upon entering, they heard how an upset Agnetha was talking on the phone, and when they reached the living room, her face did not look very pleasant either.

Benny and Frida remained silent letting the situation progress, even hearing about police and kidnappings. Agnetha hung up the phone aggressively and shivering she sat on the chair next to the phone. "Hey, what's up?" Benny asked again noticing that her face looked tragic.

"We've been getting threats," Björn finally said, he and Agnetha looked at each other. "There have been calls and notes suggesting a possible kidnapping to Linda and Christian," he added.

"What?" Frida exclaimed in concern.

"What measures have you taken?"

"The police are already aware, they will have surveillance from tonight," Björn replied. Agnetha, totally scared, got up from her chair and went to Frida.

"Anything we can do, you know you're counting on us," Frida held her hands.

"I know, I would recommend that you take action too, this is serious," Agnetha suggested worriedly. "But, I don't want you to stress either, it's not good," she said referring to the baby.

"We definitely will," Benny chimed in.

"We'll be fine, the children too, everyone..." Frida commented, sympathizing with Agnetha and Björn.

"And where are they? The kids..." Benny asked in dismay.

"Upstairs with the nanny, we don't want to involve them so much in this thing, we want them to be able to rest easy," Agnetha replied. "What about you two? Have you made peace yet?" She asked seeing them together.

"Something like that," Frida replied quickly.

"How is that?" Benny intervened. "I thought we were fine already."

"We are, but there are still other things to talk about," Frida clarified.

"Certain. Stig wanted us to announce the pregnancy soon, but given the situation with the children I don't think that would be appropriate. All of that will have to wait for everyone's safety," Benny said.

"It won't take long for me to explode," Frida commented rubbing her belly.

"Girl," Agnetha walked over in surprise. "I hadn't noticed how big your belly is," she said in stunned.

"I know, it grew up in the last few weeks after the kids found out," Frida commented smiling.

"I'm so happy for you, you really deserve all the happiness and to be together forever," Agnetha added and averted her gaze from Björn who hadn't taken his eyes off her.

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