stressed mama

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Frida noticed that a long time had passed since Benny and Eva-Lis left, she hadn't felt the absence so much until the children went out to eat and she was left alone in the hospital room. Maria had already eaten and was in her mother's arms, so Frida immediately smelled a peculiar smell of poop. "Oh, Maria!" She exclaimed at that intense smell. She carefully got out of bed and took a blanket, carefully putting the baby on the bed, then checked the diaper and sure enough she had pooped.

Anyway, it was time for the bath and since it was enough, she didn't want to leave her little girl dirty like that and then have consequences for her fragile skin. She took Maria in her arms, it was being difficult for her because she was alone and she didn't want to leave her in bed for a second, so she opened the baby bag and looked for another clean diaper so she could change it. She went into the bathroom, but she didn't know how she would do it because she didn't have a baby bath.

The midwife said the night before that whatever she needed, she was in the midwife's area and now she needed help. Still with her baby in her arms, she prepared to leave the room to get help, she walked a little to the left and in the other corridor there was a waiting room, Benny was there in front of some nurses but what left Frida stunned was the next scene: him hugging Mona who was crying on his chest.

Frida felt shattered into a thousand pieces, her eyes watered and the lump in her throat squeezed her hard, giving her the feeling of brokenness. She was paralyzed, she didn't know what to say or do, her shins trembled. Maria screamed at the discomfort of having poop in her diaper, she had not complained but it had been a long time and she had to express her disagreement. Then all eyes fell on Maria and her mom.

Frida reacted and completely ignoring Benny, she addressed the nurses, "please I need a little bathtub to give the girl a bath, she's pooped and I don't have the facility to clean her," she expressed so coldly and without paying attention to Benny as if he wasn't there or didn't know him. Eva-Lis, who was also there, approached Frida to see how she could help her. In any case, she already knew that her brother was in trouble.

"Yes, ma'am, in a moment we'll bring you the bathtub and the essentials for the little girl's bath. We also take the opportunity to remind you that her birth was very recent and that you shouldn't be trying too hard by staying up," the nurse kindly told her.

"I wouldn't be in this situation if I had the support of my family, which I don't," she let out coldly, then turned around and started to walk back into the room with her baby in her arms, trying to make her feel as comfortable as possible.

Benny, for his part, could feel Frida's anger at every step and he knew that he was in trouble. "Mona, I'm sorry, I have to be with Frida in case she needs me, I shouldn't have left her alone," he apologized, for him he wasn't doing anything wrong, just helping a friend, but he had to convince his wife of that.

"Okay, sorry for taking up your time, I'll keep an eye on my son," she lamented, still crestfallen.

"If you need anything else we'll be in room 316," he didn't know how convenient it was to give her that information, but he felt bad for her leaving her stranded. Mona nodded and Benny was finally able to leave.

In the room, Frida had removed Maria's diaper, Eva-Lis was in charge of flushing the waste down the toilet. Then the nurse placed the bathtub with warm water to proceed to bathe the baby.

Benny entered the room cautiously, Frida had clouded eyes and although she knew it was him, she didn't bother to look at him, her intention was to ignore him completely or she would explode with anger. After pouring water on her and bathing her with baby soap, Maria was ready and clean, so Frida wrapped her in the towel and placed the girl on her chest to keep her warm. Eva-Lis and the nurse took care of the rest.

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