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Chapter One |
A l e s s a n d r a  p o v

"You know I'll eventually find you?" I ask, while rolling my eyes. Why do they always think they can run?

I'min the woods, the perfect place to hunt without being seen. Tonight I was trying to catch my supposed to be already eaten dinner; however, things got a little off track. Let's just say I got a little distracted and my dinner ended up escaping. The smell of his blood, that's dripping from his scraped knee, is the main scent that's guiding me closer & closer to him. My senses began to heighten. I felt my body craving his blood, my kept tingling & my fangs started to protrude out of teethe.

I start become less patient.

"I can smell you." I sang tauntingly. I know he's standing behind a tree. His jacket is sticking out from behind the tree. Not only that, his breathing is irregular & his heart is beating at a rapid pace. I love the sound of a frightened heart. His type A blood is making me get even more frustrated that I have to put in this much work to simply eat.

I decided to make this game a little more fun. I wasn't the type of vampire that liked to just eat & flee, I liked playing with my food—if that's how you like to call it.

"Where did he go?" I ask, loudly. I pretend like that I have now idea where he is. I want to let his guard down a bit. Truth is, I have him right where I want him. "You're not worth it." I say, frustratingly. I suddenly hide behind a tree, where I have a better view of him. His heart rate suddenly slows down & he tries to regain his regularly breathing patterns. I study him as he slowly peaks his head from behind the tree .

I suddenly appear on the opposite side of him, where I know he wouldn't see me. He's so fixated to left of him, forgetting to look on the right side where I am gladly waiting for him.

"Looking for me?" I whisper in his ear. Before he could suddenly turn around, my fangs where already pierced into his neck. I held onto his head firmly, stopping him from moving erratically. Once I was done, I drop his lifeless body to the ground, wiping the remainder of blood off of my mouth with my finger.

"Ten down, two more to go." I breathe, walking away.

Stefan & Damon are next on my hit list.

A/N: Thoughts? Question?

ALESSANDRA  SALVATORE → TVDWhere stories live. Discover now