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Damon pov


"So where just going to keep injecting her?" Stefan hissed as we watched Alessandra's body lay peacefully on stefan's king size bed. She looks so innocent, she looks like how she looked when she was just 8 years old but older.

"Do you have a Better plan?" I asked while finally facing him.

"We brought her here so we can get through to her...to make her love us again." Stefan said while glancing at her body every once in a while.

I paused and looked at Alessandra body while thinking deep in thought. Bonnie, we need Bonnie.

"I have a plan." I said while grabbing my leather jacket and exiting his bedroom.

Stefan pov


I might look like a weird creep whose just sitting here staring at her sister. It feels so good to call her my sister. I never thought in a million years that I would ever be saying that again. Her hair was sprawled off on my satin pillow. She didn't look angry or annoyed, she looked peaceful.

I have no idea how we are supposed to talk to her. 3 days ago in the woods I thought I really got through to her. But it's like everything I said to her just went straight out her ears. I honestly don't know what else to do.

It's been 20 minutes since Damon left and I hope he has a plan because I'm all out of ideas.


"Hello Bon Bons." I said while sitting in the seat that was directly across from her. I gave her a small smile while watching her.

"Yesss?" She asked suspiciously while closing her book. I looked at her for a couple of minutes then gathered all of my thoughts. How am I supposed to tell her that Me and Stefan have a sister and We need her to help us get inside her brain so we can show her memories.

"Me and Stefan just realized that our sister is alive." I said while watching her. She looked at me like I was the most outrageous person in the world.

"What?" She said with a smile, she looked like she was on the verge of laughing.

"Me and Stefan have a sister. We thought she died decades ago but she showed up at our doorstep." I said getting straight to the point. This time she looked liked she believed me.

"Are you serious...so she's a vampire." She asked while leaning in more across the table.

"Yes." I said while clenching my jaw. The thought of Alessandra being a vampire makes me want to snap someone's neck...anyways.

"How come you never told us. Wait, does Elena know?" Bonnie whispered.

"We thought she was dead like I just said and no Elena doesn't know. I want to be the one to tell her so don't say anything." I said while watching Bonnie intensively.

"Wow...ugh okay." She said while leaning in her seat and crossing her hands over her chest.

"That's where you come in." I said.

"What can I do?" She asked while her face was etched in curiosity.

"The thing is she has been killing people and going off the deep end." I said while lowering my voice more.

"So she's acting like you, basically." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"She's also mad at us." I said not wanting to tell her more about that part of the story.

"Why would she be?" She asked while watching me closely. I sighed sand ran my hands through my hair.

"Does that matter." I said in a annoyed tone.

"It does if you want me to help you." She said with more sass.

"Okay, we left her in the woods." I said bluntly trying not to get any further.

"Wait, you left her in the woods? Why?" She asked while her eyes were popping out of her eyes sockets from shock.

"Me and Stefan were transitioning and we couldn't take care of her anymore so we left her in the woods. Okay?" I said while getting a little angry. I hate talking about the situation and I'm guessing Bonnie sensed my anger and my uneasiness.

"Okay. I'll help you. What's her name?" She asked.

"Alessandra." I said while watching her with relieved eyes.


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