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Alessandra pov


I was at a small cafe that was located on the outskirts of Mystic Falls. I was just sitting in a booth with a hot chocolate in my hand, thinking about how horrible my life is.

Last night didn't go as I how I planned. I wasn't expecting to feel remorse once they realized who I really was. All I saw was shock and hurt in their eyes. The part that sucked the most was that i kept making myself believe that I can just kill them and that will take all the pain away.

I kept blocking off my emotions and making myself believe that I still didn't love for them or care for them...

But the truth Is couldn't kill them that night. They're my brothers and I loved them to death. I don't know why I thought I could kill them. Even though I'm sad I still have a strong amount of hatred for them-if they loved me they wouldn't have let me stay out in the woods all by myself. They would have raised me or found someone to raise me.
That night in the woods, I felt so helpless, so scared and loss.

I  looked like a loner. I just sat here with my hair in a messy bun. I didn't really want to put effort in my outfit so I threw on a sweater, my leather jacket, black skinnies and my black dr martens. I had bags under my eyes. The waiter kept flirting with me but I was not interested.

After about a couple minutes of daydreaming out the window I felt someone scoot into the booth and I knew exactly who it was. My heart started to race and my blood started boil. I slowly turned my head and I was greeted with a huge smile from Stefan.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a blank expression.

"I saw that you were here and I wanted to see you..." He said while his eyes were tracing over my whole appearance.

"Why?" I asked while closing my eyes and taking a deep breath and exhaling.

"You are my sister. I haven't seen you since the 18th century." He said while sending me a sad look.

"Just leave me alone Stefan, okay?" I said and my voice cracked. I hate to be so cold hearted to them but I'm not ready for...this.

"Alessandra please..." He said while grabbing my upper arm softly as I was leaving the booth. He slowly looked up towards me and it looked like he was going to cry. And I don't want him cry.

"Just have breakfast with me...I'm trying." He said and I gave him an apprehensive look. I just sat there and stared deeply into his forest green orbs. I can't sit here and have breakfast with him like everything Is alright because everything isn't alright.

"No. Just leave." I said while staring at the picture of Marilyn Monroe that was hanged up right beside Stefan's face.

"I'm not leaving Alessandra." He said leaning forward so that he was a little more closer to my face.

"Stefan, if you don't leave I will kill every living human being in this cafe." I said with a hard expression.

"You wouldn't do that..." He said while watching me like I was some type of lost cause.

"10 unsolved deaths in Mystic Falls, that was all me." I argued. He watched me with a sympathetic look and grabbed his leather jacket and hopped out of the seat.

A tear fell down my right cheek as I watched him hop into his car and speed away.


Stefan pov


"She hates us." I argued back into the phone as my hands were gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"I know." Damon snapped.

I was on the phone with Damon explaining my encounter with Alessandra an hour ago. I hate that she hates us so bad. I can't believe she threatened to kill all those humans in the cafe.

Would she really kill them? She already admit to killing 10 people already. And I believe her because there have been 10 'animal attacks' in Mystic Falls this week.

Is she a ripper?

How did she even become a vampire?

I was racing through the highway trying to figure out how to regain her trust. I knew she loves me as much as I love her because when I watched her deep into her dark brown eyes I saw remorse and pain.

"I'll call you back." Damon rushed, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What's wrong?" I asked frantically.

"I hear a human screaming and I smell Alessandra." He said and the line went dead.


Damon pov


"Put her down Aless." I said. Standing a couple feet away was Aless holding a girl with blonde hair by the neck. It looked like she was going to snap her neck.

We were by a small cemetery in the woods. It's where we buried Bonnie when she died.

"So you guys are stalking me now?" She hissed at me.

"What happened to you?" I asked while watching her in shock. She just swallowed down hard and sent me a small glare.

"I have grown up without my brothers that's what happened." She said while her eyes were starting now to get watery. The girl that was in her hands was shaking and whimpering.

"I'm here now. Where here now." I said while slowly walking up to her.

"You're going to go home and sleep. You're going to wake up and not remember anything that happened today." She Said compelling the girl and the girl walked right past her.

I wondered what changed her mind. She started walking my way and once she reached a couple of inches away from she leaned forward and whispered into my ear.

"I'll just find someone else." She whispered and brushed past me.

A/N: What do you guys think?

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