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Damon's Memory →

"Alessandra come out wherever you are..." I sang as I slowly walked by each tree, pretending that I was looking for her. I heard her giggles erupt all throughout the park. I saw her lavender dress peak from behind one of the trees and I knew that I have finally found her.

"Where could she possibly be?" I said aloud making sure she heard me. And she erupted in giggles once more. Seeing her smile made me feel like I'm making her happy and that's all want is to see her smile and laugh when I tickle her and tell her horrible

"Got you!" I shouted as I grabbed her and swung her over my shoulder.

"Awwwww!" She screamed while laughing. After spinning around a couple times I put her back on her feet right In front of me.

"Your getting so big." I said while pulling a strand of her brunette locks behind her ears. Her cheeks were the chubbiest thing I have ever seen and it made me want to kiss them any chance I get.

"I'm only 6 1/2!" She shouted playfully.

"That's still old!" I countered with a sassy voice.

"Nuh-uhhh!" She sassed back while resting her hands on her hips. I start planting kisses all over her face and she erupted into fits of laughter.

After a while we were sitting on one of the benches that gave us a view of the woods. The sun was going down. Aless had her head resting on my shoulder.

"Damon?" She asked while playing with our entwined fingers.

"Yes Aless?" I asked.

"When you get older are you going to leave?" She asked sounding like she had a frown on her face.

"What?! And leave you? Never!" I said dramatically with a huge smile on my face. She looked up at me with a dimpled smile on her face. She rested her head back on my shoulder and entwined our fingers.

"You promise?" She asked with a smile.

"I promise baby." I said while kissing her forehead.

Where would I go?

I just stood their staring outside the window as I remembered that small moment of me and Alessandra many decades ago. She changed.

Her hair is dyed, she has piercings on her nose and all over her ear. She has a few visible tattoos that I never thought she would ever get. She doesn't look like our Alessandra. She looked more distant. She looked like she has been through a lot.

When I first saw her outside I knew I knew her. Her body presence felt and smelt so familiar to me but I didn't know how.

Seeing her brings all these emotions that I never knew I had. Seeing her as an adult...seeing her as a vampire brings me to tears. She was supposed to go off and live a normal life. Not be caught up this kind of life...

"Brother?" Stefan said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off immediately and moved away from the window. I poured myself another drink and finally let what just happened sink in.

I threw my glass at the wall and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Damon calm down..." Stefan said with glossy eyes.

"Did you see her Stefan she is a vampire! She is nothing like the way she used to be! " I shouted and all he did was look at me.

"We thought that leaving her would protect her but instead it damaged her!" I said while knocking everything off the shelves that were alongside the wall. I picked up a vase and threw it above the fireplace.

"Don't." I hissed when I saw Stefan walk towards. I stumbled up the stairs and into my room slamming the door.

ALESSANDRA  SALVATORE → TVDWhere stories live. Discover now