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Stefan furrowed his eyebrows profoundly.

"I've never met you." I said, bluntly.  His eyes were staring me down like a hawk. I felt like he was study every aspect of me. Possibly even my heart beat patterns.

"Oh, I know. You were staring at me earlier today in the town center." He said, mockingly. He caught me? I thought I looked away before he could notice.

"I don't recall. You know what, I'm going call a taxi & just send my car to the shop." I began, but was cut off by Stefan.

"Wait no. I can fix your car & you can just stay here. This house has like ten rooms." He offered, while Damon scoffed. "She can't stay here." He said bluntly, rolling his eyes.

"Yes she can." Stefan argued.

"She's a vampire, new vampires in Mystic Falls only cause trouble." He said, while watching stefan. All I could do was picture myself choking Damon, he's annoying the hell out of me.

"I'm right here & You're a dick." I said, with my hands placed over my chest. Stefan rubbed his eyes dramatically.

Damon quickly rushed up to me , taking in every inch of my face. His expression was demanding & intimidating all at once. Once his eyes connected with mine his hard eyes softened slightly. What could he see?

I thought he had probably recognized my sent.

He suddenly was gone. I stood there surprised but everything that had just happened. I wasn't use to Damon being so malicious. Everything about him was different. His aura, his innocent eyes—everything. What happened to him during the past decades I've been gone?

"He's like that with everyone." Stefan said, with a smug grin. I'm sure he is

"How long have you been a vampire?" Stefan asked. The fireplace was lit up there house beautifully. The lights were also dimmed a bit. He handed me my hot chocolate, while sitting on the couch opposite to me.

"One hundred years." I said, while sipping on the hot drink. He nodded, looking around the house. He was gazing at all the paintings & furniture like he hadn't seen them before. I'm guessing he's nervous. But why?

"So, why would you let me stay inside your house & you don't even know me?" I asked, trying not to sound inconsiderate. I was just curious.

"Even though you look..." He began, while his eyes trailed over my body.

"Hardcore, you seem innocent." He said & I laughed as soon as I heard him say 'hardcore'.

"Wait—I look hardcore?" I asked while laughing. I looked down at what I was wearing. I didn't know what made him perceive me as hardcore. Maybe my tattoos & excessive rings on my fingers.

"Well, you don't look like the most innocent person." He said, laughing as well. I caught myself smiling at him, which is horrible because I'm supposed to hate him.

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked. He paused & looked at me for a second.

"Damon is the only one." He said, shifting in his seat. Did he convince himself that I never existed or is he just lying.

"Stefan do you—" A female voice said, while barging into the house. She stopped dead in her tracks once she saw me. Katherine fucking Pierce?

"Oh, I didn't know you had company." She said, smiling awkwardly.

"Katherine?" I asked.

A/N: What do you think?
Who do you think walked in?

ALESSANDRA  SALVATORE → TVDWhere stories live. Discover now