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Previously on Alessandra Salvatore...

"I killed ten innocent people!" I said raising my voice.

"Why?" Stefan asked softly.

"Because I am a cold hearted bitch." I said and Stefan tried to make advances to me but I backed away.

"Stop pushing us away Aless." Damon hissed. Even though he sounded angry his facial expression showed hurt and pain.

"I know okay!" I yelled as I ran my fingers threw my hair. I sat on the floor and palmed my whole entire face with my hands.

After a minute I felt someone sit beside me. I looked up and I Damon was kneeling right in front of me. I covered my face and the tears just fell out. I was whimpering like an idiot.

I felt a hand wrap around me and I flinched.

"Stop." I said and I immediately got up and exited through the front door.

Alessandra pov


Today was a new day. No annoying brothers annoy to annoy the shit out of me. Just me and my beer that ordered from the bar. That's until I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder.

"Hi, you must be Alessandra." Someone chirped from behind me. I spun around and I saw a pale and blonde haired girl who had the biggest smile on her face. I have have been seeing her a lot lately staring at me. I would look at her and she would look away. It's like she was stalking me. I looked at her up and down and watched her hand that she had extended out towards me.

"Do I know you?" I asked harshly. She slowly moved her hand back and looked around awkwardly.

"I'm Caroline. I'm a friend of Stefan and Damon and I just wanted-" she began but I cut her off.

"Wait a minute. Back track, your a friend of who?" I asked with annoyance written over my face.

"Damon and Stefan..." She said with a confused facial expression. As soon as the words escaped her mouth I quickly brushed past her and left the Grille.


I quickly walk up their front steps and bang on the door as loud as I could. Once the door swung open and stefan's face came into view I barged into the house.

"Really?" I asked with my hands on my hips.

"What happened?" He asked with a worried facial expression. I almost laughed at how concerned he sounded.

"I don't need some blonde bimbo watching over me." I spat while watching him. At first his facial expression looked confused and then he released a sigh.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were okay after last night." He said with a sad look.

"I'm jolly." I said with my hands crossed over my chest.

After a sigh from him and 5 minutes of silence he spoke.

"There's a party by the lake tonight at 8. You should come I want everyone to meet you." He stated.

Before I could respond Damon barged through the door with an angered look. I don't think he was angry I think that's his face.

"What's going on?" He asked while shutting the front door.

"Well...Stefan over here decided to have a girl named Caroline watch over me. Just for that I'll have 10 humans dead by 12 o clock tonight...keep and eye on the news." I said while opening the front door and exiting into the woods.

Am I really going to do this? I thought to myself.


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