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Alessandra pov


They never came.

I stared at the ceiling all not hoping that they would come.

Now it's 8:43 in the morning and I'm still staring at the ceiling.

I should be happy. Them not stopping me is making it easy for me to go. Isn't that what I want? To just leave with out feeling sad.

I sluggishly got up from my bed and headed for the bathroom to get ready. I slowly got a rag and towel and turned the shower on maximum hot. I stripped my clothes slowly and stepped in.

The one thing I hated about showers is the thinking. My head would start over analyzing events that took place in my life. My mind started questioning decisions that I've made.

One of the questions that pops up is was I really going to kill them?



I couldn't. I'm not a monster, I'm am not really going to kill my own brothers. I was just...using that as an excuse I guess. I kept making myself believe that I can do it, but we all know that I couldn't.

I slowly shut the shower off and stepped out. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I went in the room and looked down at my suitcase.

I decided to wear a white plain crew neck with a black skater skirt, then I threw on my all black converse. I dried my hair with my towel and took in my appearance. I looked so dull, so out of life.

Maybe I'm just tired. Or maybe that's just my face.

After brushing my teethe and washing my face I packed my suitcase. I grabbed my phone off the charger and checked the time.

I grabbed my plane ticket from the bedside table, my flight leaves at 10:00 a.m. And it's 9:10 a.m. I opened my bedroom door hoping to see those two dorks sitting on the couch in the living room but they weren't.

I was hoping they would come say goodbye. If I leave its not like I won't come and visit.

I wonder if they're mad at me?

Well I mad too.

A little.

No one knew about my existence, wouldn't that've hurt you. Let's say your brothers left and abandoned you and you finally meet them and you realize they never spoke about you. It's like you were nonexistent to them.

I push my suitcase in front of the hotel door and rest my phone on the kitchen counter. I opened the fridge and grabbed a blood bag.

Who would have thought that we all would've become vampires. Isn't that weird, I wonder how they became because I know exactly how I became.

I remembered the story like it was yesterday.

As 9:20 hit, I quickly grabbed my cross body making sure that all my stuff was in there. I didn't want to leave any of my belongings in this stupid hotel.

I grabbed the strap of suitcase and unlocked the door.

I swung the door open, oblivious to what or who was in front of me

I couldn't believe who was leaning  on my door frame.

ALESSANDRA  SALVATORE → TVDWhere stories live. Discover now