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Alessandra pov


8:15 The Lake Party

I was hiding behind a bush watching all these stupid teenagers drown their problems in booze. I have no idea why Stefan would invite me to this crap. It is already 8:26 and I still haven't made my presence known. I grabbed a red cup and filled it with beer.

I took one sip and searched around the lake. There were kids in their bathing suits jumping into the water. Some of the girls just jumped in with only their underwear and bra.

Once I saw that Elena girl I quickly spun around not wanting her to see me. I slowly refilled my cup and walked away.


stefan pov |

"Tell me why were going to this stupid kids lake party?" Damon scoffed as we walked through the woods. The lake was kind of far into the woods that's why most of the teenagers weren't afraid to drink out there.

"Everyone is going to be there and I invited Alessandra." As soon as the words escaped my mouth Damon stopped dead in his tracks.

"What did you just say?" He asked while sending me an annoyed look.

"I thought it would be nice to invite her..." I trailed off not seeing the big deal.

"She just told us she is going to have 10 more people dead by tonight and you invite her to a place that is packed with humans?" I asked while running my hands through my hair.

"No. I invited her so I can keep an eye on her." I said while patting his chest with a small smirk and walking into the party.

I know what I'm doing.

Damon pov


There she was. I know her body like the back of my hand. The way Her hair cascaded down her shoulders. She was wearing shorts that was definitely too short. She was also wearing a crop top that was very revealing as well.

"Damn she's hot." some dude whispered from beside me. I slowly turned to look at him with a confused face. Once I realized he was staring at Aless I grabbed him by his neck and backed him into a tree that was a little away from the party.

"What did you just say?" I spat in his face while my grip on his neck was getting stronger.

"N-nnnothing." He strained. I picked him up and threw him on the ground. I looked in the spot that Alessnadra was standing in 3 minutes ago but she was not there. I looked at the kid on the ground one last time then walked away.

I should've killed him.

Alessandra pov


"Hi." A voice from behind me said and I immediately Spun around. It was a tall boy with blue hair. He had the biggest dimples I have ever seen and a lip ring.

"Hi..." I said while giving him a confused look.

"Uhhh I'm Jason." He said while looking nervous.

"Alex." I said while accepting his hand shake. I would have been rude and just dismissed him but I needed him for something tonight.

"Well my friends over there dared me to come talk to you." He said while pointing to his group of friends that were watching us. I just nodded and sent them a small wave.

"Do you want another drink?" He asked while looking at my empty cup.

"Yeah that'd be nice." I said while he walked me to one of the tables.

This should be interesting.

Damon pov


"Who the hell is he?" I asked angrily. I swear these guys just pop out of nowhere. He had blue hair and he was laughing at something she whispered in his hair.

"At Least she is happy Damon." Stefan sighed.

"I don't care I don't want any of these thirsty teenage boys near her." I spat. Me and Stefan must look really protective right now just standing hear staring Aless down but I don't care. She is my sister and I am going to protect her with my life. Something that I should have done decades ago.

Alessandra pov



I saw Damon and Stefan staring at me like I was some child. I hate how much they care. I don't want them to care about me. I want them to hate me.

Since I knew that they were watching me closely. I started kissing...

"What's your name again?" I asked him.

"Jason." He said.

Like I said I started giving Jason small kisses down his neck. I released my fangs and slowly looked up toward damon and Stefan and they gave me worried and disappointed glances.

Oh well. I quickly put my fangs away when Jason turned to me and sent me a flirty look. I gave him a fake smile and locked our fingers together.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" He asked and I couldn't agree more.

Stefan pov


"We need to follow her." I said to Damon as I saw her walk away with that guy.

She is testing us. She saw us watching her the whole time and she was playing with our heads.

Her goal is to kill him and if we can't get through to her this might be another 'animal attack'

What do you guys think? Do you guys like Jason lol?

Thanks for the nice comments.

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