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Stefan pov


"Put him down." I begged as I saw her fangs shoot out and her eyes become red.

20 minutes before

"Where could she possibly be?" I hissed as we walk through the wooded trails. She's crazy but I love her. She's a mess but I love her. I've let her down so many times and discovering that she is alive makes me want to make up all the time I have lost.

She hates us. That's why she is killing so many people. She doesn't want our affections, she wants us to not love and care for her. Which would never happen in my never ending life.

"We have to snap her neck." Damon hissed from beside me.

"What?" I asked with a furrowed facial expression. It's true. She is getting out of hand. We already don't know what to tell the committee about all these 'animal attacks.'

This has to be done.

"You wanna do the honors?" He huffed.

"I'll talk to her then you do the honors." I said then I proceeded walking. I don't want to do this to her but I feel like it's the only way.

After a while of my foot stepping on twigs and the grass leaves crunching under my feet I heard just what I needed to hear, Aless.

"What's wrong? Am I scaring you?" I heard her say. I speedily rushed to the small grave where I was revealed to Alessandra who had the blue haired teenager caught in her grasp.

"Alessandra?" I asked and she looked up at me in shock.


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