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Previously on Alessandra Salvatore...

"I'll talk to her then you do the honors." I said then I proceeded walking. I don't want to do this to her but I feel like it's the only way.

After a while of my foot stepping on twigs and the grass leaves crunching under my feet I heard just what I needed to hear, Aless.

"What's wrong? Am I scaring you?" I heard her say. I speedily rushed to the small grave where I was revealed to Alessandra who had the blue haired teenager caught in her grasp.

"Alessandra?" I asked and she looked up at me in shock.

Stefan pov


"Put him down." I said to her while I watch her hair blow frantically. It was a cold night and it was dark outside. It was a pretty creepy setting, the blue haired boy was probably scared out of his mind.

"Why do you guys always seem to find me." She spat while tightening her grip on the teenage boy, He started whimpering. She looked down at him with anger.

"Is there something you need to say?" She asked him in a mockingly tone.

"P-please just let me go. I-i won't tell anybody." He whimpered. I studied Alessandra and realized that she had an inch of remorse in her because she looked unsure of what to do next. But that all changed when her eyes locked with mine.

"Why are you doing this? you are angry at me and Damon not him." I said while trying walk slowly towards them.

"Walk any further and I'll snap his neck." She said and I slowly stopped

After a few minutes of hearing the boy cry I decided to say what was on my mind.

"I remember the day mother told us that she was pregnant again. I prayed and hoped that it would be a girl." I started and Aless face was expressionless.

"I remember when I first held you, all I wanted to do was protect you with my life-" I begun but I was cut off.

"Stop!" She yelled while giving me the meanest glare but I wouldn't dare stop because I knew that I was getting through to her.

"I remember Damon would always play with you, he never wanted me to take you. I had to always beg just to take you to the park." I said while smiling a little at the small memory.

"Then Havoc  started to happen in town, me and Damon where so wrapped around Katherine's fingers that we didn't even know how crazy the town was becoming over vampires. I remember them taking Katherine away and getting shot. Then it all turned south from there. We didn't even know what to do, waking up as vicious blood sucking animals. All I knew is that I could not hold you, touch you or see you again because i knew wouldn't be able to control myself." I said staring blankly into space. I could tell that Aless was listening because her heart beat slowed down.

"We snuck back home and got you from out of your bed. Before we met you we drunk from 50 humans already and we were full. Me and Damon knew that we couldn't say our last goodbye without eating first. I remember you asking us are we playing hide and seek whiles we walked through the dark woods. I couldn't help but smile when you said that. Us Leaving you in the woods that night had a bigger impact on Damon between both of us because after that night he couldn't stop talking about it, you were his everything. Without you he felt lost." I said.

"For me I had to pretend like I didn't care just to stop grieving. I handle losing you bye killing innocent people like you are doing right now. For 1 week Damon visited the same woods everyday hoping to see you in your little sun dress running and laughing like you always used to, but after one week he gave up and that's when the care free Damon came along..." I said and when I looked up Aless was on the floor crying she had both palms of her hands cover her face while her body was shaking.

The teenage boy was standing there slumped on the tree. As I walked closer I realized he was dead. As I was done checking his pulse, just to make sure, his body fell on the ground.

"Aless?" I asked while bending down to embrace her with a hug. She flinched back and I knew what had to be done. She killed someone else again. How are we supposed to explain this to the committee. I had one goal and it was to make sure the boy got out of this alive.

I saw a figure appear from behind a tree and I knew it was Damon. I slowly got up and backed slowly away from her. I turned my head not wanting to see her getting hurt.

I heard the crack signifying that she was unconscious...

Then I walked back to the house, with Damon holding Alessandra bridal style.


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