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Previously on Alex Salvatore...

"She's also mad at us." I said not wanting to tell her more about that part of the story.

"Why would she be?" She asked while watching me closely. I sighed sand ran my hands through my hair.

"Does that matter." I said in a annoyed tone.

"It does if you want me to help you." She said with more sass.

"Okay, we left her in the woods." I said bluntly trying not to get any further.

"Wait, you left her in the woods? Why?" She asked while her eyes were popping out of her eyes sockets from shock.

"Me and Stefan were transitioning and we couldn't take care of her anymore so we left her in the woods. Okay?" I said while getting a little angry. I hate talking about the situation and I'm guessing Bonnie sensed my anger and my uneasiness.

"Okay. I'll help you. What's her name?" She asked.

"Alessandra." I said while watching her with relieved eyes.

Stefan pov


"So your going to use Bonnie to help us bring back memories to Aless?" I asked while watching them both.

"Pretty much." Damon said while glancing at Alessandra's body. Bonnie slowly walked up to her body in curiosity. She looked like she was scared to touch her.

"She looks just like you guys." She said while sending us a small smile. All I wanted to do was run my hand across her cheek and tell her that we love her. She looks so beautiful as she laid there, she looked so pure.

"When do I start?" Bonnie asked.

"Now." Damon said as he sat on the bed next Aless body.

Damon pov


"What are you doing?" She asked waking up from her unconsciousness. I wanted to go
first because I wanted to show her this memory that I always think about. Even after I thought she was dead. Me and Bonnie immediately put are hands on her shoulder starting the memory process.

Mystic Falls 1863

"Alessandra?" I asked as I opened her bedroom door.

"No don't come in." I heard her sob. I immediately busted into the room seeing her laying down on her bed crying.

"What's wrong?"

"Please look at me?" I begged because she had her face stuffed into her pink pillow.

"I'm ugly." She said and I looked down at her in shock. Why would she say something like that?

"What are you talking about Aless?" I asked trying to figure out why she would think or even call herself ugly.

"The two girls in school told me I'm ugly because I have a big nose." She said I couldn't help but crack a small smile. I immediately wiped the smile off my face when she looked at me.

"Look at me. Your not ugly. Your the most precious being that ever walked this earth. Your long black hair and piercing brown eyes are beautiful and rare. Your beautiful dimples that everyone compliments you on, your cute little sun dresses you wear...their just jealous Alessandra." I said while watching her intensely. I don't want her to ever feel like she is ugly because she is the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen.

"Are you sure?" She asked shyly.

"Do I look like I'm not sure?" I asked while pointing to my face. She let out a load laugh and gave me a hug.

"Who said this to you?" I asked while running her back.

"Natalie and Becky." She said while playing with them hem of her dress.

"Natalie? The one who wears the hideous shoes to school everyday? And Becky who wears her hair in a mess to school?" I asked, it's true they shouldn't be talking about my Alessandra.

"Damon." She yelled playfully.


"That's not nice." She Said.

"You know I love right?" I asked her.

"Yessssssss, I know."

"And what else?" I asked her while giving her a kiss on her chubby cheek.

"And you'll always be there for me." She said while rolling her eyes. I just want her to make sure that she knows that I'm never leaving and I'm always here for her." I thought.

When the flashback ended. I quickly wiped a small tear from my eye before anyone noticed.

Her eyes shot open and she jolted from the bed.

"STOP SHOWING ME THIS?" She yelled. Her cheeks were stained with tears as she watched me. All I wanted to do was hold her but this needs to be done.

Stefan quickly touched her shoulder beginning his memory.

Did you guys forget about my book?

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