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This was my favorite chapter to write, enjoy !

Alessandra pov


We were in the park

A familiar park

This was the park that was down by the lake that was close to our house,

I saw 1800's Stefan and younger me standing by the side walk, with a bike.

I remember this.

"I'm right here Aless." Stefan said as he bend down and looked straight into my eyes.

Why does he want to show me this memory? I don't want to cry because if I cry that means that I care and I don't want to fucking care.

I hate what there doing to me.

"Stefan I'm going to fall and die, can we just forget about it?"

I asked as I stared down at the ground nervously. This is the memory where Stefan was trying all day to get me to learn how to ride a bike, but I didn't want to because I was scared.

I heard him give a slight chuckle as he watched 6 year old me.

"Trust me Aless, I'll always be here. I won't let you fall. Do you trust me?" He asked, lifting my chin up so I was exposed to his green eyes.

No I don't fucking trust you, I thought. But little me did.

"Yes." I said while nodding my head. I was so innocent. I was so naive. Every time Damon and Stefan told me they would never leave me I believed them.

Then again I was only a child.

I should've known they never meant it.

"That's not true." Stefan's voice said and it snapped me out of my hateful thoughts. The flashback froze and stefan's eyes were on me this time.

I quickly swallowed down hard wondering how he can see me, let alone hear my thoughts.

"Every single time we told you we'd never leave you we mean't it." He said walking slowly towards me. My 6 year old self was just standing there frozen. The trees weren't even blowing anymore it's like he paused the memory to speak to me.

"You guys were just saying those things just to make me feel safe Stefan, I'm not stupid." I hissed, finally mustering up courage to speak to him.

It was weird because I was speaking to 1862 Stefan. His hair was styled back like he always had it then and he was wearing his brown overalls. Seeing him like this brings back to many childhood memories.

"Are you out of your mind? Aless...So you wanted me to come home that night to you..." He said slowly walking up to me.

"Try to give your bedtime kiss, see your veins pulsing in your neck. Hear your heart slowly beating because you were finally at rest? Even my un forsaken love for you couldn't have stopped me from sucking every ounce of blood in your body. Alessandra I couldn't have lived with myself if I killed you. We couldn't have lived with our self. Mom was dead, Dad was dead. Where else would you have gone?" He finished. A tear streamed down my face as I watched stefan's chest heaving up and down. He looked so angry.

He looked like he reached his breaking point. He looked like he reached his breaking point with me.

Then it all went black.

Damon pov


Stefan got up from the bed and quickly stood by the window across the room. I quickly wiped a tear that threatened to fall down.

I honestly don't know what to say. I feel like Stefan is hurt that Aless is not understanding our love for her. How many times must you explain your wrong doings to someone. Especially if it's your sister.

I know she knows that we love her. I think that she doesn't want us to love her so she denies us when we say we do.

"I'll leave you to alone." Bonnie said while slowly exiting the room. I looked down at Alessandra's body pulling a strand of her hair behind her ear. Her face was stained with cheeks and I used my shirt to wipe them.

"Brother?" I asked as I saw him staring out the window.

"Damon I don't know what to do. If she doesn't forgive us I don't know what to do anymore."

I quickly jolted up from the bed sending him an uneasy look.

"What do you mean? She's are sister! So your gonna give up on her again?" I asked and he slowly turned around. He gave her one last glance and left.

I aggressively ran my fingers through my hair, groaning out loudly.

"Bonnie!" I yelled. I felt like I wanted to kill someone.

"What? Is everything okay? What happened to Stefan?"

"I'm going in." I said to her, not wanting to answer any questions.

Alessandra pov


I was in the woods all of a sudden

I'm guessing where still doing the memory thing.

I saw horse that was attached to a carriage. So I'm guessing we're still in the 1800's as well.

I saw Stefan and Damon. It was dark. I started to feel chills because this is what is was like when I was in the woods all by myself.

I adjusted my eyes and I saw that Katherine was laying on the ground. Stefan and Damon where trying to pry the rope off of her wrists. I heard shuffling and noises. It sounded like more people.

As they came to view I realized they were men riding horses with guns, they were civilians.

"Come on, hurry up." Stefan whispered frantically. My heart started racing as I saw one of the guards hope off the horse with his gun in his hand.

"They're tight there." I whispered to myself, thinking that I could warn them that the guards where there.

Then that's when I heard the gun shot. It hit Damon and I let out an ear piercing scream. I covered my mouth and my knees dropped to the floor. Tears started flowing down my eyes and I crawled over to his body.

I tried reaching out for him but I couldn't fucking touch him.

"Noooo." I whimpered as I kept trying. I tried to reach out for stefan who was right beside me but it was no use. I looked up at Stefan and I saw him get up and grab a riffle that was on the ground by a carriage.

Before he could aim he was shot and I felt my whole world collapse in front of me.

Is this long enough?

•Guys Tell me what you think of this chapter?

•Do you know what episode I used for Damon's memory?

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