Chapter 28

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Someone out there is,
Holding their breath.
Waiting for you to fail.

Make sure they suffocate.


Ella looks closely as Leon gets up and goes to his huge desk and pulls out an old-looking book that had this red cover. He came back and settled back beside her as he handed her the book.

Ella admires the book as it might look old but was kept neatly. "This is the original book about what happened centuries ago, all the copies of this book and related to that period are destroyed."

Ella tore her gaze off the book watching Leon with confusion. "What, who did this?"

"I did this!"

She looked shocked at Leon's answer as didn't expect that. "Why?" At her milky voice, Leon looks down at the book.

"I made sure of it, no one ever got to know about what happened apart from supernaturals. Humans are curious creatures, they intend to know everything behind everything so before it can cause trouble to us, and maintaining the peace we had to."

Looking back at her, he added. "Or maybe I knew you would come?"

Ella chooses not to answer it just because that wasn't what she expected and she thought it was Leon's belief that won't do anything but make him feel judged, and that too from her when she is one of the reasons he did what he did.

"My Father Mateo De Luca was a royal Beta werewolf second in command of the most feared and respected pack, who was mated to my mother Adamaris García.

The royal white witch and sister of the queen, Caecilia García, was supposed to be next in service. When my father found my mother, he took her with him to his pack like any other werewolf,

"The alpha of that pack abandoned my father."

she frowns "Why would they do it?"

"Because they thought two powerful species, especially rulers, can't stay in one place. So my father left the pack and settled in among humans even though the Queen requested my mother to give him shelter, my mother denied yet the Queen did not break her ties with our family.

Soon she too finds her mate who happened to be an average vampire but as she was in love with him like any other mate she put blindfolded for his bad deeds before meeting her, he raped his fellow vampire,

It was the biggest crime to touch other women who weren't your mate. In the supernatural, women should be greatly honored because they carry utmost power among us, and we are just their protectors.

And according to the rules, no vampire should go into human settlements but he did and killed them for some Blood and give more reasons for humans to go against the supernatural.

Rumors spread across the supernatural yet Caecilia saved him from punishment as he promised to be a good man, she believed him.

Time passed but he didn't change instead took charge among people around and under him, now he had power and he used it as he wished."


Back then, humans lived with the awareness of the supernatural, more like making supernaturals under them, for they did not have the authority to go against humans as they are the ones to serve God.

There was no royal or anything supernatural was just there without any rank; some were power-hungry. Powerful one survives, as this world's rules, the weak always pick up.

However, the supernatural was just lower than humans but having enough supernatural rebelled against Gods to save their families and their kind from painful experiments they verge the war against humans and they saw the animalistic face of them.

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