Chapter 10

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" I can sleep,
I just choose not to,
For I have fallen love with
The way my mind plays in the
Dark night with thoughts of,

"You shouldn't have sat outside without wearing something warm in this weather, Flower." Leon scolded me gently from behind as he saw me sitting in the garden that is now my favourite place just in a peach sweatshirt and pyjamas, dripping his coat over me as he sat in front of me.

"It's not that cold." I protested. He gave me a stern look. I smiled sheepishly. He shook his head but a small smile made its way on his face.

"Which book are you reading now?" He asked while eyeing my book. I raised my hand while holding a book to show him.

"You like historical books a lot, I see?" I shrugged. He grabbed himself a historical book, a slight smirk playing on his red lips as he felt my gaze at him.

I focused on my book. It's been three days since Leon's explanation and the next day when I woke up and he was staring at me it creeped me out at first but the look in his eyes wasn't creepy and all, his gaze filled with adoration that much made me a bit uncomfortable.

For the past three days, he was spending his all-time cooking breakfast and dinner for me. We spent all day in the garden reading books when I asked if he had any work but his reply was simple. He is the King.

Leon is men of few words, honest with his feelings, and quite straightforward which left me always a blushing mass because whenever he is around he never left any chance to compliment me, his eyes and intimate gaze can tell you everything but the thing is you should have the courage to look into his eyes, he perfect in everything he does.

I never was this close to any male other than Dad and Eric, but with Leon, it seems different, it feels different. When I'm with him I feel protected, caring, and loved.

It's all so strange, his intimate gaze always filled with adoration and awe when he looks at me, the way he gives me pure heart-melting smiles when he caught me stare at him although he never comments about it to make me embarrass, takes care of me like a baby, the tangles when my skin comes in contact with him.

I noticed one thing: it's only with me, not with someone else if a man stands even ten steps away from me his eyes start to change their colour.

As I tried to focus back on the book something caught my eyes. "Leon, what are Werewolves?." On my question, his eyes immediately snapped to me. He looked visibly tense. I probably know what it is but want to hear from him.

He tilted his head before smiling softly. "Where did you hear it from?" I hold up the book again. He chuckled, muttering I won't believe him if he tells me to which I disagree.

"The one you saw in the forest. A man or woman who can turn into a wolf but is much more powerful and bigger than a wolf. " He said tenderly, afraid of my reaction. I gulped but still wanted to know more.

I nodded at him to continue. "Not only werewolves but vampire witches, mermaids, and some other shifters do also exist but back then there was a settlement between humans and shifters that they both wouldn't come in each other's way as the attack rates from both sides were rising. Soon this all just became stories in human history and the world but few still believe and few saw as you did." He replied observing my expression which must be bewildering.

I heard and read loads of books about them and of course on TV shows.

"And...." I tailed off. He looked surprised as if he wasn't expecting me to continue, but my curiosity always got the best of me. People say curiosity kills the cat but according to me it sometimes saves the cat too because we do not know what may come next so always be prepared.

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