Chapter 6

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"I will hold you, baby girl,
As long as it takes you,
To feel my love and safety,
In my arms."


I woke up feeling like someone was holding my hand or murmuring something to me in between, but I wasn't able to open my eyes. After struggling a lot I finally opened my eyes only to close them because of light.

Slowly opening my eyes, rubbing them to get a clear view, feeling my throat dry, looking around to see I'm not in my bedroom, sudden pain shot in my bandage right hand and my legs then I remembered everything, everything I saw everything. Everything.

Panic filled in me, making my eyes watery, a sob skip from my mouth followed by other words that weren't coming out of my lips, I wasn't wearing the same clothes as before, I'm in a large t-shirt and pyjamas.

I got up from bed only to fall immediately because of pain. Suddenly the room door jerked open and a heavy foot echoed along with my sob, but I wasn't looking for anything, I curled up in a ball, I'm so afraid.

Whoever it hugged me gently yet tightly, something like a current spread in my whole body but I wasn't in my senses. I know I should come out of this person's hold but I need comfort, I need someone to hold me.

That person held me close to their strong, hard, yet warm chest, one hand on my hair and the other were around my back running up and down, a profound voice whispered sweet nothing in my ear.

A warm feeling was spared in my whole body, an addicted fragrance of cologne filled in my nostrils and a fast-beating heart helped me to calm down. I'm feeling safe, secure... Home? in this stranger's arms. That person holds me so gently as if afraid that I might break, rocking me back and forth.

"Shh, it's alright, you are safe, I'm here I will keep you safe, calm down, My Little Flower." A deep, husky yet tender voice now I heard coo in my ear.

After I felt like I'm fine, I nodded against his chest, tried to take my head back from the warm chest, and peek at the stranger who let me, but didn't let me just give me space to look at him.

My eyes look up only to meet the same green eyes through long lashes which are filled with fear, worry, and adoration?

"Are you okay, Little Flower ?" His worried deep and tender voice did something in my stomach and especially that endearment I snapped out of this weird sensation as his long slender fingers wiped off my tears, then I saw his face and my breath got a hitch in my throat.

He has dark brown hair but lighter than mine that set back neatly as few stands fall on his captive unique pair of green-blue orbs which I noticed now, staring at me intensely his long nose high, cheekbones sharp angular jawline, and five o'clock shadow.

His light tan skin making his plump lips pinker all over him is breathtaking, looking like God himself. Then I realised I wasn't sitting on the cold floor anymore but in this handsome stranger's lap.

"Flower ?"I heard his low voice again but this time I noticed the raw power in his voice which sent shivers running through my spine. His voice sounds somewhat familiar and it makes me come out of my dreamland.

He looks down at me with those hypnotising green, blue eyes and they hold such intense stares at me as if trying to know my every secret, not even for once his hand stops running through my hair.

I nodded, looked down, not able to handle his intense gaze, remembering I'm still on his lap. That was enough for me to go all red.

I try to get out of his hold but he holds me more tightly though not hurting one but just pinning me down in his lap I look up at him confused, he suddenly stands carrying me in his strong warm arms as I'm nothing, a gasp skip from my mouth I immediately warped my arms around his long neck, he put down in soft bed.

His Little FLOWER (Lucifer's Flower) ✓Where stories live. Discover now