Chapter 32

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They called him dangerous,
but he was my safe place.


Ella wakes up, as the bright sunlight and the ticklish on her neck, the heavy weight on her body prevent her from moving, sighing she just down, like every day.

She looked down to the source of why she could not get up, which was her Leo. She creases his head that lay on her chest, his arms were tightly warped around her waist while his leg was over her.

She smiled. "Leo...?" And in answer all she got was silence.

"Leo!" She again called this time a little bit louder. Leon groaned but didn't move yet cuddle more into her.

"Leon, get up!" She said to try to push him away but he didn't move.

"Let me sleep!" He grumbled when he heard his name, annoying.

Ella glared at his head. "Well, sleep if you want to but get up from me."

When Leon didn't answer. "Leon, it's the last time I am saying get up from me, you giant!"

Hearing her warning tone, Leon rolled over and covered his face with the comforter, still grumbling. Shaking her head Ella got up, stretched her sore muscles, and walked towards the bathroom room.

As Leon heard the sound of the shower on and was unable to go back to sleep at the loss of the small warm body. Taking his phone from the nightstand beside the bed, he dials a number.

"Is everything ready?" He asked, his morning voice came more deep and strict and Leon looked pleased with the answer he received.

"Good, send them tomorrow on time. I expect no mistakes." He ordered again and cut the call.

Looking back at the bathroom door, Leon sighed. He too got up when he noticed Ella didn't take her clothes again, so giving her privacy he walked out of the room to his room grabbing his own clothes.

45 minutes later, Eric and Jennifer walk towards the large kitchen as usual but just to stop at the doorstep. They both stood there, with their mouths a gap at the scene before them unfold.

Looking at the other workers stop behind them as, looking at their state, the workers look ahead.

The freshly showered Ella and Leon were in the kitchen, now covered with flour from head to toe. Laughing loudly to the point, tears were coming out of their eyes yet still throwing flour at each other.

The workers sigh in relief. It wasn't new anymore to them as it was just the first time they saw their always silent Majesty talking, laughing, and playing around, people around them almost got a heart attack.

From the moment Ella steps into the castle, it's become their thing that Leon always cooks their breakfast, no matter how important the meeting he has, he either gets it done before she wakes up or after breakfast but never leaves her alone at breakfast's table with something he didn't cook.

Jennifer had a small smile looking at Ella, she saw Ella this happy ever before, while Eric looked worried. He could see how attached she is to Leon and he doesn't know whether it's a good thing or bad when Leon has a certain reputation for his anger, he heard around, especially after Ella came.

To them, Leon is someone they could not even look at in the eye. They never talked and he is grateful for that, he has seen how he is with Ella and without Ella.

"Ella?" Jennifer subconsciously called softly but everyone heard, and the workers immediately left the kitchen as no one is allowed in until their breakfast is done, as Leon likes his private moment to stay private because he knows it makes Ella uncomfortable.

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