Chapter 13

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" If I had a flower for
Every time I thought of..., you
I could walk through my garden

I wake up feeling light hitting on my face, sleepily groaning. I glide the bed back and forth searching for a pillow as I hold the pillow and I turn on my back and put it on my face to protect my beauty sleep but then something clicks.

I jolted awake and sat straight as again pain shot through my heart including my head only to fade away the same moment as if clouds were passing through.

I stayed still, what felt like an eternity, slowly turning my head toward my left side, and gasped. There he is, lazily sitting on the armchair as his left leg over his right, his one muscular arm resting on the armrest with his face resting on his fist and other carelessly on his thick thighs.

His head tilted as his chocolate brown locks fell on his captive orbs which stared at me with intense and adoration, a soft smirk playing on his pink lips, the only source of light was coming in the darkroom is from the window and the sunlight squared kissing his devilishly handsome face.

All I could hear was the ticking sound of the clock and my heartbeat, my mind marvelling at only one thing from how long he had been sitting there and watching over me as I thought he finally decided to break the silence between us.

"Good morning, Little Flower."

He wished in his deep husky voice sitting straight gazing at me. I gulped soundly not knowing what to say, yesterday's event flashed back in my mind as I remember he did something that made me unconscious and when I wake up I found myself glued up on the bed and neatly tucked in the comforter as if I am a toddler, while he staring at me like a creep.

What a wonderful morning. I thought sarcastically.

"I brought breakfast for you but saw you were still sleeping peacefully and didn't have the heart to wake you up." Yeah, so you decided to stare at me like a hawk, and since you are the reason behind I can't have my dinner. I really wanted to shout but I thought keeping my mouth shut would be better.

"Now, go and get fresh up. I know you don't like eating anything until you have a shower, I already took out the clothes from your wardrobe, till then I'll ask the maid to reheat it, is that fine with you?." He asked, tenderly pointing at clothes that were kept on another chair. I gave him a tight-lipped, shaky nod.

Although I'm petrified to move even an inch, I believe one thing that He won't do anything to hurt me physically because me being his Mate, living with him at least I understand a bit more about mates they cannot hurt their mate because they too can feel their pain they are connecting from each other unless they are human which called mate bond and he being Lucifer the King of all the shifters, who have huge respect towards mate thing.

But is he going to behave as if nothing happened? I don't want him to get angry. I still remember the manic look on his face and it scared me to the core.

I stood up grabbing the clothes I almost ran into the bathroom, stripping quickly to get rid of last night's clothes which made me uncomfortable. I enter the shower hot waterfall over my tense body. I want to take as much time as I possibly can to get away from him.

Now everything makes sense. Those woods, castle, Crown, sheer power which streams out of him, and Especially those inhuman eyes and deep voice that I used to see and hear in my dreams, my attraction towards him and this all proved only one thing.

He is the one who was behind me.

He is the one who has made me miserable.

He is one who has hurt me a lot emotionally and is still doing the same.

His Little FLOWER (Lucifer's Flower) ✓Where stories live. Discover now