Chapter 5

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"Promise me you'll stay,
And I promise to hunt you
In the most heavily way - with
Dark Devotion and
Deep Emotions."


"As the sun rises"

"Just 2 hours left for sunrise," Dad groaned. I look at the clock to see it's already 3 am. Dad must be tired. He should sleep, but I'm sure I'm not gonna get any sleep.

"We should go home," Dad said. I nodded and turned to leave.

"No need to leave, you can stay here, we did not have much time, Ella is already in warm clothes." Rebecca offered.

She is right, it's just a waste of time to go home and come back again. I'm already full of warm clothes which Dad makes me wear before I leave home. I turned to look at Dad.

Anyone can clearly see how much he wants to deny, I gave him my best puppy dog eyes which can never fail, he shook his head in amusement, I nodded at Rebecca.

Rebecca took us to the guest room, where I and Dad talked. Well, I made him understand he still did not agree, two hours passed with Rebecca and Dad arguing and I tried to make them understand.

"Ella, you remember what I told you right?" Rebecca asked as we all stood outside her house near the woods, for me to leave.

"Yes, Rebecca, you told me!"

"Still Ella, once again listen, as you enter in woods just go straight and when you see a stable path just move left, then straight, then you see few people are living maybe you can find him, and you need to come back before sunset, and most importantly keep that bottle close to you and stay alert and if you felt slightly off just come back immediately. You get that Ella," Rebecca instructed again, I nodded and she patted my head.

"Here, water bottle and some snacks for you," Rebecca said, handing me a bag. I hugged her and she helped me a lot even after whatever Dad said and still doing.

"Thank you for everything, Rebecca!"

"It's alright."

I turn toward my Dad and hug him as tightly as I can because I feel like something is about to change or perhaps everything. I have a fear that I might never see meet him, something inside me telling me that it's the last time that I'm seeing my Dad.

Dad hugged me more tightly. I can sense he still hesitates to let me go.

"Think again Ella," Dad said as I broke the hug, there was fear in his eyes.

"The more I think, the weaker my decision will be." He nodded seeing the determination in my eyes.

"I love you, my little girl," He said as his eyes started to glossy, which reflected mine.

" I love too Dad"

"Come back soon, Ella." I can sense the same fear in Dad's eyes to lose me, he can feel it.

"I will," I said as a tear slipped from my eyes, wiping it, I gave him a quick hug, I started to walk forward in the woods, turning around I gave the last smile to Dad and Rebecca before moving ahead.

I go inside the woods. It's beautiful all around nature, I walk where Rebecca told me straight, there is cold outside, and I guess in a few days left for the first snowfall, I love winters and snowfall's time especially. I'm thinking about what is going to happen, what will happen?.

I know it's useless to think about the future when you know nothing and you did not even plan. What will happen when I meet him, whose name I don't know or will I be able to meet him? If yes then what does he look like, what will he do when I will meet him, will he understands me or will he think of me stupid like other.

Well, right now I'm feeling like stupid who go on a mission to find someone, without any Identity, without knowing how does he look. I actually don't know what I'm gonna tell him.

However, there is no one to blame but myself. I choose it and I will choose it over and over again if I have to. I am desperate, desperate to get out of this all, and I am not ashamed to admit it.

Thinking about this I notice it's already afternoon and I haven't found the path yet. I'm already deep in the woods, I haven't seen any animals except squirrels and birds. Everything looks so calm and quiet so peaceful.

I remember how my dad and mom used to go to a family picnic near the forest, beach, the village. I have faded memories but even after Mom, I and Dad still go to picnics but not so often. Thinking about Dad, will I ever go to see him? I don't know why this fear.

As I walk feather the wind become wild I tighten coat around me bring scarf till my nose, I had two sandwiches in between I see a path maybe is this what she was talking about because she told me to take first one if you find.

I took a left turn, the sky was starting to turn orange. I know I should go back but I still have time. Maybe I can find him, I held the bottle close to me, again started to walk, then I saw something which left me frozen on my spot.

I saw a man looking at another man, and soon he turned into a wolf. I was far from them but still could see, I couldn't move, could not feel anything. It's so unreal. When I got my senses back I did what other people do.

I ran, ran as fast as I could. I forget everything soon. The sun started to set but I couldn't care about that scene running in my head like a broken tap of a record. I stopped as I felt pain in my legs then I heard a wolf growl, which made me realize it was near, getting up again I started to run again soon and the sky turned black.

I stopped when white-hot pain shot in my left hand, the same hand which one holding bottle sudden pain makes me drop bottle, a sharp branch of tree able to cut my arm even in a sweater and coat, removing it with difficulty and pain.

I sat down removing my coat to see the wound was not much deep I took a handkerchief from the bag and tie it around my hand, again a growl, which was louder than the previous one, getting up I started to run again.

I ran again although the pain in my legs and hand wanted me to stop, suddenly I felt something behind me. I turn to see no one, not even for once did I stop running but the same feeling did not leave it behind me or beside me and that scares me more than I already was.

I know I made a grave mistake by letting that bottle break, and that thing not leaving me and making me run faster. The thing is making me feel safe at the same time scared.

It's happening whatever I saw that day is actually happening. I am scared beyond words, I miss my Dad, tears started to fall from my eyes.

The peach black sky it's terrifying. I have to run. Run to save me and my father. Whatever I saw wasn't anywhere normal, not at least for me.

This all still felt so unreal, knowing the thing still behind me I can feel it. It's like that thing is playing with me. All I just want to wake up in my warm bed and get to know it's all a dream, a horrifying dream.

I really don't know where I'm running. I have to meet him, only he can save me, and my father. The one who made it for me.

She said if I run into the woods and find him he can make things right. But I feel stupid to believe her when I know nothing about him don't know how did he look, I don't know even who he is or even will he help us or not. But I also didn't have any other option.

It's been one day since I've been running, my body is now filled with scars, my legs hurting like anything but I'm determined to find him, to end this all. From the beginning, my life wasn't normal. I need a father's embrace to hide or either find him.

Now I'm losing my consciousness, my strength is giving up. My eyes started to close but I still try to run, my legs were shaking. I was about to fall but two pairs of strong, warm arms held me to a hard, strong chest.

Then I heard the most terrifying earth-shaking growl. Before losing my consciousness my eyes met pairs of forest green eyes. closing mine, the last thing I heard was very deep and husky, a voice murmured in my ear.


"You finally got your way to me, my little love!"

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