Chapter 1

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"You don't know me,
You only know What
I allow you to know"


Hearing the most annoying voice of alarm, I shut it off and stay in my warm blanket, rubbing my eyes to get a clear view. I turned to the other side and pulled my blanket over my head to protect my precious sleep from rude sunlight.

For what seemed like another hour, I heard my room door open, already knowing who was there. I stay in my hideout.

"I know you are awake! Little girl." I heard a muscular voice call out in a soft tone. Keeping my hand over my mouth to not make a noise.

I heard the steps coming towards my bed, I kept my eyes shut tightly, so he would leave me alone. Soon the cover was pulled from over me.

Groaning, I turned to see that my dark brown eyes met with the same pair. "Dad!"

"What? Get up now, it's already past waking up time!" He said, pointing at the nightstand beside my bed where my clock was, it was past 8.

"I have nothing to do, remember?" I question, not liking that my sleep is getting ruined. It's still so early for a person who has nothing to do.

Thought I actually had nothing to do, my high school just finished, so I applied to a few colleges. From the results, I am sure I can get into the medical college I want. I wasn't a big fan of high school or college even though I was a brilliant student. According to my teachers, I would rather choose to stay in my comfy bed and warm blanket.

It's not like I hate school or college. I just hate public places in general. Blame my social anxiety.

I looked up at my father who was staring back at me with his one brow raised. Even though he is in his late forties but still, he doesn't look more than thirty his blonde hair is unlike my wild brown one, his brown eyes are like mine, tall height unlike my short but still, I'm taller than average height, his pale white skin unlike my abnormal white which looks like someone took all the blood from my veins I'm much like my mom the only difference is eyes.

That's why Dad loves me more, he says looking at me reminds him of my mother. The way he maintains and handles everything after my mom's death it's unbelievable. He loved Mom so much still it's so rare to find this kind of love.

I hate to see him struggling with my problem, I hate to see him always in pain watching me in pain. It's just supposed to be just my problem, my pain and struggle and he had to deal with that all because of me.

All those terrifying dreams, those visions didn't make any difference.

"You are thinking about that, my love," Dad said I was about to deny but his one warning look made me stop. It's gonna be useless. He knows me better than anyone.

"Stop thinking, I will do anything in my power to protect my baby." My Dad said lovingly and patted my head. It brought tears to my eyes. I control myself because he always stays tense.

"I know, you will," I say knowing it's so true. I should really stop thinking about that.

"Now get up and get ready I prepared breakfast, Jennifer and Eric will be here," Dad said, making me run fast to my bathroom as my friends and especially Jennifer will not leave me if she comes here and sees I haven't ready yet.

What else can they expect from me? I'm not a morning person.

I quickly did my daily business, wearing a Cream sweatshirt with a pair of dark Jeans and putting my long wild hair in a messy bun, applying some mascara and lip gloss. I made my way out.

His Little FLOWER (Lucifer's Flower) ✓Where stories live. Discover now