Bonus: 2 Ric

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After the Crown ceremony.

Ella's POV.

Leon lifted me when everyone was gone, I could hardly keep my eyes open and my feet hurt from wearing heels all day long. I rest my head on his broad chest.

I didn't even get to know when he opened the door with one hand, but I did not give it a thought. I felt a soft surface beneath me, along with a kiss on my throat.

"Mate...," My tired eyes immediately snap open only to meet with a pair of pitch black. Ric was out. After our conversation about their past Ric often comes out, but it still surprises me when he does.

"Ric...," I grabbed his face in my small hands and his stubble tickled my palms. I smiled at him. "...How are you?"

He grinned widely, making his dimples pop. "As long as mate is fine. I am good!" His answer made me smile, he nuzzled his head against my cheek, sniffing me. I noticed only Ric does that a lot, not Leon, at least not until his eyes' darkness tells me that Ric was on the edge.

I let him take in my scent, knowing it would calm him down. After being around so many people and being focused on me I could see even Leon tried to touch me and hold me, though they would normally do that but today it was like they didn't want to leave me, even for a second. They don't care about gender when they get possessive.

I felt light kisses on my jaw and under my chin. "Mate was looking so beautiful today, wearing that Crown. I always wanted to see you in that, I am so proud." His chest vibrates as he purrs in delight when I run my hand through his hair, messing with his perfectly styled locks.

"Did I really make Ric proud?" I hmm, smiling when I feel him smile against my skin as I said his name.

"Very proud." He now started to kiss my bare neck and shoulder. I pull his head from my neck making him look in my eyes.

"But what about my reward, I got nothing in return," I said and his eyes widened as he sat straight and pulled me with him and set me on his lap.

Ric lifted my chin with utmost gentleness as if I would break if he even held it slightly tight. His eyes widened as he asked. "Mate will get anything mate wants, anything. Just ask mate, I will give you anything."

I caress his cheek and he leans on my touch, closing his eyes. "I need you to stop taking the drug that keeps you away from me." His eyes snap open and a frown took over his beautiful feature.

"How does mate know about that drug?" He asked, mostly to himself.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that now Ric will not take them ever again," I tell him sternly.

His eyes brighten up when I order him, another thing common about Ric and Leon is that they like it when I order them around, But soon he pouts, my grown-up devil. "But then I could hurt you, Mate?" He said unsure.

I cupped his face, kissing his forehead gently. "Ric could never hurt me, I know Ric will always protect me with Leo and with them, nothing could even make me upset!" I said each word carefully.

I can't believe he thought he could ever hurt me, I doubt Ric could even hurt a fly but I know about his past but I still believe they won't hurt anyone until it's for me. The beast that made them do that, has died long back ago, if not die perhaps sleeping, and I will make sure he must stay asleep.

I brought my pinky to him, looking at his inhuman pitch-black eyes. "Promise me, you won't take that anymore!"

He hesitated at first but when saw me glaring he attached his large finger to my smaller one. "I promise!" He whispered.

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