Chapter 20

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He kissed her.
Like her lips,
Were the air
And he couldn't,

Ella could feel her limbs tied in a death grip, she groaned feeling her body sore.

Her lower body felt pressure and trapped while her head rested on a hard yet warm surface and something heavy draped over her stomach and neck ticklish.

She felt trapped but safe.

Turning to the opposite side with difficulty, her view gets blurred by the cloth clad chest, she blinks to adjust her vision, watching the motion of the rising and falling chest.

Her still sleep clouded mind and eyes, lifted to meet a long neck, sharp jawline, pink lips that parted slightly, high cheekbones, and long eyelashes that almost touched cheeks and messy bed hair.

Registering who he was and what position they are in. Her head was resting on his arm, his other arm wrapped tightly around her abdomen, and his legs intertwined with her own, his face now was hidden in her hair.

Ella found herself admiring the beauty before lifting her hand. She caressed his light stubble cheek with feather like touch to not disturb him, he seems to be so peaceful without his usual frown, so relaxed. She can stare at him all day and even that would not be enough.

His question ringed in her mind. "What do you think of me?"

What she thought was crystal clear and Ella found the answer she was seeking. 'I like him a lot, not because of bond or him letting me meet my father but it's just him and Ric and it's hard to not like someone like him. Like them.'

Her heart stopped, then beating rapidly when realisation hit her. She inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled.

As she thought over it again, Ella jerked up well, trying to as the tight grip of his didn't let her. He groaned, pulling her more close and nuzzled in her neck.

She ever so slowly tries to slip out of his strong hold and to not awake him as he seems to be in deep sleep and so peaceful. As Ella almost succeeded only to pull back, she gasped.


His natural deep voice came more deep and husky, opening those mesmerizing eyes that always made Ella enthralled. Heavy, sleepy but lovingly stared into her, he took her hand that was caressing his cheek, put it back as if asking her to do it again.

"Leon?" She asked to confirm as she has already seen his eyes were back to normal.

He smiled lazily, nodding his head. "Leon!"

Smiling back and missing Ric already, she looks across the room to see the time. "We should get up, it's past 8:30!" She said knowing the best as Leon has his meeting.

Trying to get up again, she failed because of his tight grip. "Don't go! please!"

His soft request made Ella stop, his adjusting her top off himself. "But you should be in your office now"

Leon smirks. "I am the King here, Flower!"

She raised her brows at his cocky reply. "And shouldn't be King punctual so his kingdom does not stay lazy!"

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