Chapter 26

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Our backs tell
Those stories,
No books have
Spine to carry


"I am scared, Jen!" Said Eric to a lost Jennifer. The whole night neither of them was able to sleep, their minds were full of thoughts. Ella's statement did not help.

Not getting the answer, he turns his gaze where she was looking.

A shirtless Josh was doing his regular his workout that includes fighting a wolf, even in cold he seems effortlessly fine, his now shoulder-length hair that he put in little half-up messily fell on his face, his unhuman pale skin made his lips look red, and it's was not what caught Jennifer's attention but others attention too yet his cold aura put it off.

In the corner was Ama, commanding other werewolves to attack Josh.

Eric snapped his finger in front of her face, helping his best friend to come back on earth. " Jen?"

She snapped out of her thoughts looking back at Eric who raised his eyebrows. "Don't tell me, you are attracted to him?"

Jennifer shook her head thoughtfully. "Nuh, I am just thinking, why is God so unfair with us!"

Eric frowned. "What do you mean?"

She looked back at the field, and tilted her head. "I mean if these supernatural people ever get pimples or acne or some sort of that, do they get considered parlor treatment from heaven or hell. If yes then I really want to be there!"

Eric scoffed. "I'm speechless!"

Jennifer nodded her head still not removing her gaze from Josh. "You should, I helped to get rid of your acne, when you get bullied for that in the school!!"

"Jen..." Eric called, noticing a serious tone of his, she turned her attention to him. 

She shrugged her shoulders nonetheless. "What, you can't blame me. Just look how fast he is healing, one second there is a cut and another it's gone."

"We only have three days. "A worried Eric said, ignoring her remark.

She sighed. "I know!"

"I can't tell what Ella is thinking," Eric whispered.

"I highly doubt Ella is thinking anything. From what information I have collected, I don't think she has the right to interfere as their Queen while she didn't even claim as one, that's why she asked for three days"

Before Eric could ask what she meant by that, Josh came to where they were sitting taking a water bottle that was beside Jennifer, and pour over his head, The crystal clear water flowed over his bright pink lips, down to his Adam's apple; down to his pale broad chest and Jenny watch till it disappeared in his low hanging grey sweatpants.

She gulped hard before averting her gaze its not her fault if someone was in Josh's place she would have openly flirted, Eric silently weird out as his heart dropped in his stomach in fear but he hoped Ella to be here so they can tease jenny, he elbows her causing her to glare at him. Josh sat by her side of her. Jennifer cleared her throat awkwardly.

"Ask what you want to ask, Mate!" Josh's voice came deeper than he intended to as he huffed lightly drinking the rest of the water left in the bottle, wiping his face with the towel.

Jenny turned to him. "Me?" She points her finger at herself.

Josh met his eyes with her, "I don't call random people my mate"

"Who knows. " She murmured but it was enough for him to hear, his brow raised.

Eric elbows her again, she bit her tongue cursing herself. "I'm sorry"

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