Bonus: 1 Leon De Luca

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I felt the bed dip very slight, and I smiled knowingly, a tiny body slowly lying down on top of me as if making sure to not wake me up, I tried my best to not grin that wants to break free when I heard the door of our bedroom again opened then as another warm tiny body, lying down on my right side.

I immediately wrap my arm around them. The soft body on my side hides her face in my neck, trying her best to get away from the sunlight as my other arm wraps around her. A soft deep kiss was placed on my cheek, and I couldn't help but smile this time.

Opening my eyes, I turned to my left to see my wife who was still turning her head, trying to get comfortable, until she pulled the cover over her head.

I heard small giggles, making me turn and look down at my chest. The green-blue doe-like eyes similar to mine stare back at me innocently with a wide smile showing her dimples as mine, the dark curlsa like my mate's fall over her chubby face. My 4-year-old daughter is the miny copy of mate except for my eyes and dimples but anything alike her. My tiny Angel. My Luna.

I looked at my other side to see a dark brown pair of eyes just like Ella. He too has dark brown locks, more curly than his twin. Chubby face, looked flushed as he gave me a toothy grin making his dimples pop up. My little prince. My Lucas.

I kissed their head as they snuggled closer to me just like their mother, my daughter giggled again at her mother's acts with her small fist in her mouth to suppress her voice as it would wake up their tired mother. I can't help but fall deeper in love with her.

Lucas got up from my side and climbed over me to reach his beloved mother, me and Luna watched him with curiosity as he ever so gently removed her cover, and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, making my little flower smile even in deep sleep.

He looked at me with a proud smile, and I returned. I set Luna down for a moment and got up, placing my own kiss on my world's head, she hummed in response, turning to the other side.

I forward my arms for them to come but just Lucas came as Luna got under her cover with her mother, letting out a yawn, and Ric coos at her as for how cute she looked.

My princess was not an early morning person just like her mother. While my son is after me. I bent down, patting her head tenderly, Knowing how fast it will put her back to sleep.

When I was assured they both were sleeping peacefully I closed the blinds. Taking Lucas in my arms I took us to do our daily routine. Cooking breakfast for ladies. It's just me and my kids who love to do it together, but we try our best to not let their mother and my wife enter the kitchen. My Ella is not so lucky in the kitchen, yet she is so perfect for us.

I made their favorite pancakes, with the help of Lucas. This time in the castle no one comes into the kitchen because they knew me and Lucas would be there. I like it that way, alone time with my kids, away from everybody's eyes.

As I put pancakes on Ella's blue plate and Luna's red plate and Lucas's green plate, I grab one for myself. I don't have a preference unlike them, but that is what makes them more interesting than my boring self. Lucas put butter and honey over their pancakes. "Daddy!" Lucas called out.

I smiled, knowing exactly what he wanted, I helped him hop out off the kitchen counter. "Let's go, my boy." He always was eager as he ran into the garden, I followed him.

Lucas is a little fast for his age so is Luna. Their senses are strong, they are very intelligent and curious about almost everything, yet we still don't know if they have any more power until they will turn at least 16 but I have feelings that Luna might get a wolf.

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