Chapter 25

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For once,
I want to talk to you again,
Just like old times,


Ella groaned when she was pushed against the ground with Ama above her to prevent her from getting up. Two loud gasps filled in the field.

Eric tried to step forward yet was held back by one of the guards. "Don't worry, your friend will be fine!" Behind them was Josh, commenting.

Jennifer pulled Eric back, till now they know, people here really care about Ella and won't harm her, but till when?

Ella groaned in pain. "Stop, no more. I lost!"

"You should not give up this easily, Ella," Ama said as she was about to get up but then. Ella removed her hand from her shoulder using her full strength she switched their position and now Ama found her above her.

She smirks slyly looking down at Ama. "You were the one who taught me to never trust your opponent, huh?"

Both Jennifer and Eric's eyes widened in shock, Ama and Josh watched with Pride as how their soon-to-be Queen isn't the one to give up easily.

Ella stood up forwarding her hand to Ama who took it gladly. "Let's call it a day!" Said Ama after a long one hour.

"As if you were to continue I would have let you!" Ella replied, taking the towel that was offered to her by one of the helpers.

"I'll go and take shower and feed myself!" Ella said, apathy moved to her room.

Eric was shocked to see Ella so bold, Jennifer could see her opening up and she felt ecstatic to see her like that, loving the way how she is no more scared and reserved girl who hates breathing the same air as a stranger beside her.

But how could she forget what she saw, his best friend getting beat up by someone so powerful, a friend who never even hurt an ant and happens to be more like a brother to her and not just some human but a powerful vampire, she couldn't imagine what must Ella have gone through?

"Are you not hungry, mate?" Jenny flinched at the deep voice behind her. She shivered.

Josh was now standing right behind her whispering in her ear softly, which seemed quite hard and unusual of him to himself as for he really doesn't know how to be a gentleman, yet he reminds himself of Ella's warning.

Jennifer looks around only to find out Eric, Ella, and Ama were missing leaving her alone with Josh, she must be so lost in her thoughts. Jenny gritted her teeth. "Those sneaky bastards." But then released with whom he must be with.

"You hardly eat anything in the morning!" Josh says quietly.

As if I could eat while you watched me like a creep. She thought.

She gestures her hand forward for Josh to lead the way with a respectful bow, first for she was afraid to deny him; and second, she didn't want to deny free food that tastes like from a very expensive restaurant she can't afford to go to.

An archaic smile barely there made its way on Josh's face. He started to walk ahead hearing her following him.

Ella enters straight into her bathroom, hating the sweaty feeling. Closing the door behind, she strips down and stands under the showerhead after setting the temperature. Taking her favorite lavender body gel and shampoo she applies it, humming a soft tune and massaging her head.

Then something clicked, she released the tunes she was humming. The flashes of her beloved late mother used to sing for little Ella before putting her on the bed.

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