Chapter 18

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I'll tell you about my demons,
You tell me about yours.
Maybe they get along,
Enough to fall in love.
And leave us alone.


Did you ever question your existence?

Why were you born?

What is the purpose of your living?

What makes you come to this world?

Where our few important relationships are already decided. But the few we make.

Why only them? Why not someone else we choose.

But the question is if you have the choice will you grab it and throw old ones to get new ones according to your wish?

That's exactly what is in Ella's mind, from what she heard tells she is Leon's mate and this is why she came into this world, but why a weak human like her, why not someone who is equal to him. What about her family, her dreams... is that's it just being his mate.

Now, what next?

So there she is standing outside of his office for a long fifteen minutes questioning herself. "Should I go in or not?"

She raised her left hand to knock only to pull back as she shook her head to leave but before she could. "Come in, little flower!"

Ella's eyes grow wide before nodding to herself as she recalls he is no human. She pushed the expensive-looking doorknob down and entered in taking a deep breath as she looked across the room she takes in the beauty of his office.

The office was nothing like his dark room it was massively big, made with all rich, polished wood perfectly creating an old new classic look, a huge crystal designed chandelier hanging center of the office low giving it a slightly homey look Below that four-set to chairs had arranged, and table in between that has file keep seems like a meeting was going on before she came.

On her right side, a big bookshelf of more than hundreds of books she turned to her left to find a giant table behind the table in the large chair was Leon whose piercing eyes stared at her behind his round spectacles, his natural pink lips twist up slightly.

Ella felt her cheeks heated up as he caught her ogle his office when Leon's gaze fall on her cheeks his lips curled in a small smile, he got up from his chair and came toward a chair putting a hand on it he tilted his head silently telling her to sit, taking small steps feeling his heavy stare she took seat followed by her, he too sat facing her.

She tugged the sleeve of her sweater to hide her cold finger, Leon who watched her carefully knew exactly what she wanted to ask. "How are you feeling now? Like any pain or something?"

She shook her head. "No!" She whispered.

He nodded back, knowing it's the true cause if she felt any pain Leon would have too. He inhaled deeply, finally deciding to ask a question eating him. "Are you afraid of me?"

Not just Ella but Leon too felt deja vu, not much changed between from past one month since Ella was here they are back to square one.

Ella stared right into his eyes and answered honestly. "No!"

Leon visibly looks relaxed, she observes him closely watching how easily he lets his guard down just in front of her which makes her heart drop in her stomach from happiness, she doesn't even know why?

"What happened to me last night?"

Leon sighed. He knew what was coming next for him, his guilt seems like a heavy rock on paper. "You were under the Royal White witch's spell!"

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