Chapter 34

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He looked at her
The way she needed to be looked at,
Like the whole world crumble
And he wouldn't blink.


"You meant to sit on this throne and rule."

Titus turned to the crowd, letting his gentleness fall. "Now that all you have witnessed this from your own eyes, and this proves more. This throne chose her, Now I hope whatever doubt you had before is clear now. If anyone has an objection, please come forward now!" Leon looked around with Titus to see if anyone had any objection, but instead, they saw everyone standing more straight with a sign of respect.

Titus smiled as he continued. "This is our Queen, and now we all take this oath to protect, respect and support our Queen as we have always been, it's such a heartwarming moment to finally see this throne being given to its rightful owner after a very long time." People made sounds of approval.

James came forward, the crown in his hand, Ella could not tear her gaze away from the crown that stole her heart in just one glance.

"Do you have anything to say, my queen before we start?" Ella nodded as she stepped forward.

"I, Ella Winters, the mate of Leon De Luca, your King. I take this oath that from today I will try to do what will keep this family safe and in love with each other, I will do everything to bring justice and peace. I know many of you won't believe a little human girl, with no power and very basic knowledge of the supernatural, I know it will be hard but I will try my best to be fair. I won't take advantage of this position. I hope I live up to your expectations. All I want in return is your love and trust in me." She ends her speech with a bow.

Claps echoed in the hall, and Leon joined them with a proud smile on his face that made People turn in his way, not believing what they saw.

"Now the time has finally come, which for all we were waiting for," Titus spoke again, gaining everyone's attention.

Ella faced the crowd and the crown was brought towards her. Leon stood before her on the stage keeping his gaze on her. Titus took the crown in his hands from James and chanted a spell under his breath.

He opened his eyes as he said. "We claim Miss Ella Winters, the mate of our King Leon De Luca, with the witness of every supernatural kind here. Now I declare. Ella to be our queen." Just as he said that Titus gave the crown to Leon.

Leon walks close to Ella, with pride in his eyes that shine with love. He smiled down at her, making her smile back as he put the crown on her head where it rightfully belonged.

Ella felt a very heavy crown placed on her head, but then, She heard something else, she look ahead and gasped at the scene that unfold before her eyes.

Every single one that was present in the, dropped to their one knees, with their right hand curled into fists and kept over their hearts with their head bowed down.

She looks around to find Ama, Josh, and even Eric and Jennifer doing the same but proudly. She looked beside her and saw Titus and James doing the same.

When she looked in front of her, she saw Leon slowly get down on his knee, still looking into her eyes, with his fist to his chest where his heart resides. He lowered himself and bowed like everyone else in the room. But the wide smile never left his face.


Light music plays in the background, as bodies sync with the beat of the music.

Ama smiled looking at her nervous mate, who had his arms around her waist. She couldn't help but love him more for every single thing he does. Ama could see Eric he really was good dancer but afraid of people around.

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