Chapter 7

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"The Devil is real.
And he is not a little red man,
With horns and tail.
He can be beautiful,
Because he's... a fallen angel.
And he used to be God's favorite."


I just look at him, thinking he must be joking but the look on his face tells me something else. How can I trust him that whatever he was saying is true, he can be anyone?

"How can I believe you?" He grinned again. I just noticed now he has dimples and as he grin wide it looks more deeply and makes him look younger.

"Your birthday was yesterday, and now you are 18, and before you turn 18, you need to find the one, am I right Ella." He didn't ask but stated, His answer left me in shock.

"H-how, you-u, what?" He immediately came closer and cupped my face so gently, in his large hands seeing me panicked and my body stirring I felt the tangles again but I ignored it.

"It's alright Ella, it's meant to be," I remember something which can clear all my doubts.

"Do you have a green diamond or stone?" He gave me a confused look, taking a second to think before nodding.

"Can I see it?" I need to see if it is the same I saw in my dream or not.

"Sure, wait here." I nodded. He walked out of the room, and in a minute he was back with a small box.

He handed it to me before sitting in a previous position. It was a wooden box which was beautifully designed in old-fashioned ways which are really unique.

I opened the box and a gasp slipped from my mouth as I saw the same diamond but it looks more beautiful in reality, taking it in my hand I saw how bright it shines.

"It's so beautiful," I whispered, admiring it. I looked up at him to see his gaze already set on me with adoration in his eyes as he saw something he was logging in to see or something unbelievable, he smiled.

"Not more than you, little flower." He whispered back his voice was so intense and so deep but somewhat like two people speaking in one which weakens my legs.

My cheeks felt like they were set on fire when his eyes left mine and rested on my cheeks, his lips carved into a peaceful smile showing his pearly white, murmured faintly something like 'so adorable' I'm not sure.

"So, that's mean you-"

What he said next left me breathless than I already was "... I am made for you and You are mine." Suddenly his voice took 365 degrees to turn into possessiveness, warning and orbs turned a dark shade of green.

I'm pretty sure that's wasn't for me and it did not leave any chance to send a shiver in my whole body and scared me bit, I maintain some distance between us because of his sudden change of behaviour and I'm not so much comfortable with a stranger but there is feeling inside me that he won't hurt me. 

This all means he is the one whom I was searching for, my life partner.

I am his? Does that mean he accepted me without knowing me?

Should I ask him about that?

Will he think of me as a mental case like others?

A gentle touch on my arm startled me, I looked up to snap out of my thoughts, his eyes back to their normal green, blue shade with softness in them, which I like and used to since I wake up observing my every action. "Ella, All you have to do is just ask not to think, don't hesitate." His tender voice and look make me want to believe he will not judge me like others.

His Little FLOWER (Lucifer's Flower) ✓Where stories live. Discover now