Chapter 16

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" You can't buy love,
Because when it's real,
It's priceless."


Leon rushed towards his room where he kept Ella in his way he heard her painful screams one after another as he entered his room looking bewildered at the scene that unfolds in front of him, his heart stopped in his chest and his breath hitched in his throat as he saw her condition.

There his little Flower was sitting on the floor as chains were long enough for her to roam in the whole room, clutching her chest as if trying to hold her heart, tears were non-stop coming out of her eyes. Leon finally came out of whatever trance he was in and ran to get her.

He gathered her small frame in his arms and sat on the rich cold marble floor himself as she screamed again and tried to push him away, he felt her whole body burning.

"P-please don't touch-ch me... Ahhh it's hurting!" Ella begged him to leave her as every inch of her body was in pain while he was trying to look at her face.

"Precious, look at me."He said softly but all he got was a sob in reply.

"Ella, look at me"

At his demand she looked up at him, her brown eyes which he adores so much were in pain. He liked it when they shine with happiness, not with tears of pain, he could almost feel her pain.

"Shhh, baby what happened, tell me where it's hurting?" He asked as softly as he could cupping her face with one hand and the other holding her in place. She shook her head as whimpering came out. She fisted his shirt tightly and tried to speak but words were not coming out.

"Call the doctor!" Leon command hastily, the guards immediately runs to get the doctor, Leon put her head in the crook of his neck running his hand through her long knotted wild dark locks, continued to rock her back and forth whispering sweet nothing in her ear to calm her down but all in vain,

Neither of them was calm.

For Ella, with each passing second, her pain was increasing. She didn't know what was happening to her body. It was like her body was possessed by someone. She was clutching his shirt as if her life depended on it and while Leon, still didn't know what was happening seeing her in this condition his mind went into a completely blank state, his hands were shaking as they soothed over her back.

Moreover, Leon didn't even hear the door open when a doctor entered tailing behind the royal priest, this was nowhere normal. It was so unusual of him, he could feel or sense things from so far away but it was clear how all his senses connected to her.

Ella couldn't be seen because of Leon's huge frame they only got to know about her being there when they heard her whimper, other was shocked to see the most powerful hidden man on Earth who never felt any emotions or show any reaction was on the floor clutching someone as if leaving them meant leaving his breath as well and indeed Leon feels same for his Ella, she is holding his breath within her.

The doctor rushed toward them. "Majesty, I request you to please put Miss Winters on the bed."

Leon immediately completed his request putting Ella on the bed ever so carefully she hissed when her painful body come into contact with the soft surface, she instantly warped her arms around his neck thinking that he might leave her, his presence made reduced her pain to which level where her screams turned into whines, what she was not aware of that just a mate's presence can lessen one another's pain and misery.

"I'm not going anywhere, little flower I'm right beside you!" Leon assured her of seeing her condition. He unlocked her hands from his neck, carefully set her on the bed putting her head on his lap.

His Little FLOWER (Lucifer's Flower) ✓Where stories live. Discover now