Chapter 2

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"Legend says,
When you can't sleep at night,
It's because you're awake in
Someone else's dream."


When Dad said let's go and finish it, I was thinking that we will be going to some hospital or clinic or another therapist. What I didn't think was, we will be going to some old house near the woods, at night.

"Dad, why are we here?" I asked, still feeling confused.

"Ella, I know you must be confused, but just trust me" I nodded.

"Ella my child! We tried everything we could, but the result was the same and I couldn't see my only child suffering. One of my friends recommended this to me. It's a kind of home treatment. We should give it a try Ella." Dad explained softly.

I nodded at him, we walked towards the old-looking house and Dad rang the bell. I just stood beside him, but I can't deny the fact that this house creeps me out. Well the house is beautifully surrounded by trees, and the backside of the house forest can be seen, and at night it's looking more beautiful but scary as well.

I think I read too many novels and everything looks suspicious to me. I shook my head over my pathetic thoughts that some people like to live that way, surrounded by nature.

A lady comes out. She is maybe in her thirties but still looks young, she looks at Dad and then she looks at me from head to toe and gives me a look..., I don't know, but she is a bit intimidating, and the aura around her describes only things dangerous and suspicious.

"How may I help you ?" The lady asked in her confident voice, how I wish I would have the same kind of confidence when I talk to anyone. I always end up stuttering.

"I'm Joseph Winters, We are here for treatment, I guess my friend Jonathan told you," Dad replied as she requested nodding at Dad.

"Yeah, I remember. I'm Rebecca, You must be Ella, are so beautiful" I smiled at her awkwardly not knowing what to say. She gave me a welcoming smile before inviting us to her house. To say it was scary would be an understatement, it's all dark, mostly red and black I held Dad's hand and he gave me a little squeeze.

She took us in, which looked like a chamber, and stopped, the room was dark, the only light was coming from outside and a lamp.

"Sit down, Ella." Her soft voice made me come out of my trance, I turned to see two big couches and a table in between. On the table, there was a bowl full of water. I'm not at all feeling right yet I sat in front of her.

"So, tell me darling what's your problem." She gave me an encouraging smile.

"Nightmares and visions." My answer was short and quiet, which didn't look satisfactory to her.

"What type of nightmares and visions?"

"At night I saw some woods and darkness, crown and blood and visions are like this only but I hear some voice like someone calling me desperately," I said as she looked into my eyes and by the look on her face telling me it's not what she was expecting.

"Do you see and hear this every day?"

"First, I used to get one or two times a week and just in isolation but it starts to happen every day."

"From when."

"Nearly Two weeks ago." She nodded.

"Ella, darling, listen very carefully to whatever I'm saying," she gave me a look, and I nodded at her. "Look into this water and focus on your own eyes and whatever you will see just don't close your eyes, get that dear." I looked at Dad and assured me through his eyes, I again nodded at her but this time unsurely.

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