Chapter 9

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" I don't know,
If it was by mistake
Or some stroke of fate,
I just thank God that
I've found my soulmate.
And my love,
you were worth the wait...."

Sitting on the edge of the guest room's window looking at a beautiful view of wood which was somewhat like his eyes, green trees, and blue sky but my mind is somewhere else what had happened yesterday still didn't leave my mind.

He did not come to meet me yet after that, giving me space which is something I need, and honestly, I'm feeling a little hurt and scared. His sudden change of behaviour scared me to the core. He just left saying that all but I didn't miss the emotion in his eyes,

Regret. But not for what he said, but now how he said it.

I just stood there numb on my spot, the determination and passion in his voice telling me clearly whatever Leon said he meant every single word.

Ama came to give me food at his behest she was a really sweet girl giving me the medicine which I ate without any tantrums try not to embrace myself and I failed miserably as she caught my expression I can't help it happens every time, she left after promise to not call me her majesty but miss Ella much to my protest she wasn't ready to call me just Ella and it weird.

I had the best sleep in my whole life without any nightmares but with loads of questions that Leon caused. I woke up feeling better.

A maid informed me a room for me was ready. I wanted to deny it but couldn't because that was Leon's room. He did not come because I was there the whole night. The room is wonderful, and it's five times bigger than my room, too much for one person, the walls painted in blue and white colour welcoming big walk closets which were already filled with clothes, dresses, jewelry to every kind of footwear.

That's what I heard from the maid, it was as if they prepared it long back but clothes were brought here just two days ago.

I asked for Leon but they said he is in some important meeting and told them to give me a tour of this place and when I decided to take a look at this place well it's not a place it's CASTLE but again it has to be after all Leon is Royal, A King.

I never saw this beautiful old, new-fashioned castle. It's worth adoring, it's something beyond imagination, but I like the room they gave me. It has a glass window and I can admire the beauty of nature which I love the most but one thing is missing is a book.

I'm missing my Dad, Jennifer and Eric, grabbing a heart-shaped silver locket which places on my neck I open it there is the photo of us me, Dad, mom it's was mom's she gave this to me before leaving us as a gift I never took it off, it always gives some kind of peace to me.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. "Come in."

As the door opened revealed Leon suddenly, all of yesterday's flashes came in front of me making me feel scared all over again not because he will hurt me, No But from that look on his face and it was as if I know he will not hurt ...Ever?.

He took hesitant steps keeping those hypnotizing green, blue orbs fixed on my every move with an intense gaze bug under his eyes telling me the story he didn't sleep last night, his dark locks falling in his eyes.

He is in his fitted black suit pants and a black shirt which clinging to his broad chest like a second skin and a black-tie hanging low around his neck as his shirt few upper buttons were undone peeking his tone chest his broad shoulders looking tensed I gulped as I shift slightly under his watchful eyes and they turn dark I stopped right there where I was.

"How are you, Flower?" He broke the awkward silence between us in his deep yet soft and gentle voice. It's almost as cooes, stopping at the doorstep it was taught to find out the hesitation in his voice.

His Little FLOWER (Lucifer's Flower) ✓Where stories live. Discover now