Chapter 15

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Damaged people are dangerous,
Because they know how to make
Hell feels like home.

This chapter is 3 POV.


Heavy sound echoed as Leon walked out of the room leaving his heart in his room and walking toward his office while he still could have heard Ella's screams his name as much as he liked it but not this time, he was not so happy with himself he does not know what to feel satisfied or disappointed with. Satisfied that she is here…, in his room…, chained up which makes his demon happy: or disappointed for why she is chained up.

If he said he was never this afraid in his whole life that wouldn't be a lie, more specific to say he was never afraid after that night and it made it tenfold horrible for him, he is not a man who could deal with emotions so well, and if he did then it only happened to be with Ella, he could still feel his heart beating wildly as all the events rush in his mind earning a soft painful whimpered from his demon.

Although he kind of knew Ella would try to do something but what he didn't think that something would be this dangerous he never thought she put her life in danger when he was away, he did not have any doubt of her courage and her love toward her father now, and he was jealous because he too wants someone who loves him like that and that someone happened to be Ella.

He entered his office and found security and the royal priest they bowed to seeing his presence still kept their heads down including Ama as they should, he just gave them just one responsibility to protect his Flower but they failed him and he could forgive anything but recklessness toward Ella's protection, no.

He could feel fear regarding each one of them as the room filled with tensed silence because they know the outcome won't be good, and sure it wouldn't

He goes to his big head chair and sits. "So, any explanation Ama,"

Leon's voice boomed in the silent room as he asked Ama, not attempting to erase coldness from his voice. She was head of Ella's protection. She swallowed visibly shivered, still keeping her head hanging low while shaking it.

He knows just the impact of his voice on others. Sometimes he liked it and other times he didn't, and this time he liked it.

"No, Majesty." She answered in a shaky voice without lifting her head. He nodded his head. He had other plans for her, something more important to look after.

"You know what you have to do!" He commanded one of his men who straightens himself before giving a curt nod, taking all guards out while giving Ama a sympathetic look, Leon saw that but chose to ignore it and shift his focus to Josh.

"Josh, did you find out who sent that letter to the castle," Leon asked about the letter he found from Ella that day when she got to know about him.

That letter falls from her book while running, he tried to find out who had this much guts to not just enter his castle but in Ella's room, it had no sign from the sender not that he was expecting and neither any scent, that person must know every corner of the castle as no one caught them.

"No, Your majesty. I tried every way and got nothing but one thing for sure whoever it is not human." He replayed. Leon again nodded back dismissing him, Josh was right, a human would not do that stupid, they barely know about them, and those who do, won't dare take this big step risking their life and they have protection around the woods.

As just royal priests here he asked the question which was running in his head. "James, when my mate tried to run away, why couldn't I figure it out, I couldn't even smell her scent." As these words left Leon's mouth James looked more tensed than before and he knows it's not because of his little flower's trick, his all senses are way too stronger than any shifter and it took him years to handle it. It's not just now he notices his link to her is getting weaker each passing day.

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