Chapter 17

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Love me or hate me,
Both are in my faver...,
If you love me,
I'll always be in your heart.
If you hate me,
I'll always be in your mind.

Ella woke up with the feeling of rays of sunlight hitting on her face and a soft breeze playing with her locks, she stirred slowly opening her heavy eyelids, turning she looks across the room and found herself in a familiar dark room with a duvet perfectly draped around her body so, no air can pass through her.

With lines of confusion on her face, she sat up and a sound clicked in the silent room loudly because of her movement, making her freeze for a second pulling her hands from under the covers. She saw the same chains warped around her waist as before. Inhaled deeply, she mumbled to herself. "That wasn't a dream!"

Suddenly her eyes widened as she sat straight "Wait a minute, that wasn't a dream." Again she said to herself this time loudly putting her hand on her chest to register everything she only remembered herself crying agonisingly in pain she remembers Leon was there which lessened her pain, apart from that nothing else.

That's when her gaze fell on a little loose shiny jewellery in her hand, tilting her head. She examined it, sure it was beautiful and eye-catchy with elegant ruby but something about it doesn't feel right.

She slowly pulls it out only to put it back in her finger as an ache hits her in the chest like a strong wave bumping into a rock.

She hastily grabbed the glass of water from beside gulping down and tried not to choke, as she put the glass back she saw a letter neatly folded there picked it up as she read.

'Do not remove the ring'

Ella took deep breaths reread the letter, it wasn't any request but an order, now things were clear in her confused mind, she started it back and memorised by the handwriting it was beautiful and curvy like professionally, she never had beautiful handwriting just average understandable for her own more like a doctor as she always wanted to be a one.

She gets in the bathroom to take shower feeling dismayed as she was in the same clothes for so long. With great difficulty, she removed her clothes and entered the streamy shower head. The sweat and dirt from yesterday washed off her skin but what didn't wash off was her thoughts, hate, and questions.

Drying her body she came out of the bathroom in a bathrobe as it was hard to wear clothes in the bathroom with chains, took the clothes she noticed before that were kept on the chair already by someone whom she knew it could be.

Wearing clothes Ella just brushes her hair, for her makeup itself is an art and not everyone is an artist and that either makes you beautiful or a joker, and she doesn't want to be a joker only her friend Jennifer made her beautiful for any get together, thinking about this Ella now missing her little crazy friends.

Her train of thought is halted by a knock, she folds the letter and keeps that inside the drawer. "Come in."

She was first embarrassed at the thought of someone seeing her in chains but then why should she when one who keeps her in chains is not embarrassed.

As the door opened and Ama revealed another side of the door, Ella felt déjà vu as she tried to run away just a few misshapen here and there.

Ama came in with her full cause of English breakfast. Ama's expressionless face made Ella guilty, she knows the stunt she pulled must have put Ama in trouble.

"His majesty ordered you to finish this breakfast!" Ama's voice was soft but distant which made Ella's guilt deepen. She lost the only friend she made here, without saying anything she started to eat for two reasons.

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