Chapter 21

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Someone comes into
Your life so unexpectedly,
Takes your heart by surprise
And changes your life forever.

"Ama, please enough now!" Ella requested to lay flat on the exercise field huffing, alone with Ama who was looking down at her with an amused smile.

"Ella, it's been only 15 minutes since we started!"

She sat back, glaring up at Ama. "And you made me run miles in those 15 minutes"

Ama smirked. "Yup, not to forget you were panting just in the same way after your kiss with Majesty." Ella felt her face hot. Let's just say Ema caught them kissing as Leon having a hard time leaving her lips (not that she minded) and that was quite of a show, and Leon oh so lovingly escaped leaving Ella in embarrassment with Ama to tease her.

"Ama, please later?" Ella requests, changing the subject.

"His Majesty ordered me!" Ella remembered how much they argued about it, for the first time she saw Leon being this adamant, she cursed him under her breath.

"Oh, you didn't even let me have my breakfast and I don't have any superpower unlike you, I'm just a human who needs food in her system to make it work." Ella accused.

"Pre breakfast, exercise!" She simply stated, shrugging her shoulders.

Ella pouted. "Ama, I'm hungry!" She whined.

"Next week is your crown ceremony and we need to be prepared for it!" Ama ruffled her hair, and Ella slapped her hand away.

Her eyes widened. "Will you make me fight against supernatural people?" Ella looked like she could faint anytime, she looked at herself and then Ama. She has no chance.

Ama laughed. "Of course not." She calms herself down looking at Ella's sad face.

Ama sat down beside her with a water bottle in her hands and pass to Ella  who took it. "I didn't mean to offend you, Ella. Listen there will be thousands of people even though we keep it minimum, everyone has their own way to look at another when we first meet them, and you being queen, people will try to judge you through their eyes."

Looking into her eyes Ama continued. "We know you, but many don't. So we need to work on it, make you more confident and skillful. Now you need to be ready for any situation, every war couldn't just win from kindness and intelligence but if kindness, skill, and intelligence come together you sure will win."

"Ama, I'm scared, what if I won't fit as queen in their eyes. I'm just a human. A human that is going to be the queen of supernatural people!" Ella's voice came as whispered thinking about it. She doesn't want to let Leon down or anyone matters.

If she just takes Ama's laugh as an offense then what will happen when many judgemental eyes look at her, she never was a social butterfly so it will definitely be scary.

"Don't let anyone look down at you Ella, just be yourself, honest and confident. That's all you need, His Majesty and I will be there for you." Ama assured her.

Ella groans now regretting her decision. Ama pulled her up for another warm up.

"What happened?" Ama asked Josh as she came out of Ella's room after dropping her there much to her happiness and saw Josh who was coming rushing toward her. 

Josh stood in front of Ama a few feet away. "I was about to call you!"

"Me. Why?" She asked as Josh turned his heels and walked toward her with Ama beside him.

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