Chapter 4

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"what's the difference ?'
I asked him.
'Between the love of your life,
And your soulmate? '
'One is a choice,
And one is not'
He answered"


"Take me to her, Dad!" I mumble again as a sob escapes from my mouth.

"To whom, Ella?"

"Rebecca!" I say quality. I doubted if he heard or not but when I felt him frozen I knew he heard before making me look at him.

"Ella, what are you saying, just tell me already what you saw?" Dad asks and he looks a bit frustrated after hearing her name.

"Dad please-se!" He looks at me before nodding.

In the whole car ride, I didn't let go of Dad's hand, he didn't ask anything knowing I wouldn't be able to answer, he squeezed my hand as assuring.

I put my everything to not let tears fall but they did. An hour later we reached her house at 2 in the morning. Dad rings the bell after 10 minutes which seems like a day for me. She opened the door with her messy hair, half-opened eyes, and irritated look.

I would have felt guilty if I wasn't in this situation. When she saw me her eyes became wide, she must have thought like we are never gonna come here after everything Dad said.

I thought she was definitely going to kick us out but instead, she hurriedly opened the door wide for us to come, she guided us and we quietly followed her. I know Dad is never going to come but he did because of me and that's what makes me more determined. She took us to the same room where she took us before.

"Sit here, Ella!" I nodded and sat down. I must look like a zombie. My hair isn't less than any nest, eyes all red and swallows, sore due to continuously weeping, cheeks flushed from the cold and my whole body still shaking.

"What did you see of Ella?" I gave her a confused look and she knew something would happen, but I decided to tell her.

"I saw my Dad lay in a pool of blood and I saw the same eyes." There was silence in the room and only the clock's sound could be heard. Both Dad and Rebecca look taken back about that, especially Dad.

I know the reason very well. It's not because I saw him laying him in blood but it is because This is the first time I saw something apart from those woods, blood, crown, and other things I used to see.

"Ella, tell me everything you saw, every single detail."

"I was sleeping peacefully in a deep slumber then suddenly I saw Dad lay in some forest and blood coming out from his neck and the same black eyes were staring at me." My voice was so low and cracked in the end.

I can lose anything, I'm ready to spend my whole life with this all but I just can't see something happening to My Dad, he is all I have. I have to be strong. I can't sit quietly and cry.

Rebecca nodded. " What else you see, try to think harder."

Then I remembered something unique. "Yeah, I remember I saw a stone, a green stone like a diamond, but green."

Rebecca looked at Dad and then I started to shake her head murmuring ' I knew something like this will happen ' she goes opposite the main door, a small bookshelf near the window which I notice just now. She took a book.

It was an old-fashioned book, she came and sat beside me while searching for something in the book when she found she put that book on my lap and what I saw in the book made me shocked.

"Is that the same greenstone you saw in your dream?" I nodded. How is that possible, how can the same stone that came in my dream be already in the book?

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