Chapter 14

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If I know what love is,
It is because of,


I was running long enough to feel pain in my legs. I stopped leaning against a tree to catch my breath then I realised it's not the path I was supposed to go, I heard a waterfall means the lake is near which makes me tender.

A very loud, powerful, and dangerous growl echoed in the woods as a squeal escaped from me. I clasped my hand on my mouth pulling myself up running toward where my legs were taking me. I kept looking back to see if anyone was coming and found no trace of anyone or anything.

My scent can't be hidden for so long.

I can see the waterfall from where I run to it, probably I could get someplace to hide and the wet ground and wood smell will help me to hide my scent a little longer.

When I finally arrived in front of it my hope shattered as I saw Cliff, cup my knees bending down huffing while heavy breathing, a few steps away from the lake.

A beautiful huge waterfall right there I can see behind it there is a way but this Cliff is too high. I was about to take a step forward finding a good place to hide behind rocks' narrow pass I can see but stopped as I felt something.

More like someone.

"Got you!".

My heart stopped for a second then beat rapidly, chill ran through my whole body not because of cold but because of fear, hands curled into balls tightly dragging my nails in my palms slowly turning mentally preparing myself for the worst.

My eyes met with a pair of dark orbs, a manic look on his face making me step back subconsciously.

"I wasn't expecting this from you, Little Flower." He said playfully but his sclera turned red Showing the anger beneath the playfulness and if I wasn't scared enough before then now I am terrified. He walks towards me as a starving predictor walks toward its prey.

"I told you, don't do something you shouldn't. Then why did you do that, my love ?" He asked calmly but his voice was harder than usual. "Do you know how dangerous it was?" His voice raised slightly. My eyes widened, he took another step forward and I backward making his fingers curled into fists.

I saw Ama and some guards rushing over here but Leon stopped them behind him, I took another step backward, I point my forefinger at them. "Stay away from me, and let me go." His jaw clenched at my demand.

" You won't let me meet my Dad, I don't want to stay with you, you are a monster," I shouted moving back. His eyes flashed hurt and sorrow for a second before going back to their blank like those emotions were never there and lips curled in a smirk. "That's that thing, Flower I'm no monster. I'm more evil." He said darkly as I felt my eyes filled with tears. I rub my nose with my sleeves, exhaling deeply to not cry.

He saw something behind me, his eyes softened in concern. He opened his right palm and brought his hand toward me. "Ella baby, come here." He commanded so softly as if only for me to hear. I shook my head.

"I hate you," I mumbled but he heard it and just stood frozen on his spot, looking deeply into my eyes. I did the same. I hate myself because I know I lied. I don't know what it is but something so strong is not letting me hate him even when I know what he did to me.

I turn to run again but slip as my feet hit a rock I lost my balance but as I was about to fall off from the cliff but strong pair of arms wrapped tightly around me pulling me to the hard, warm chest, and familiar intoxicated scent filled in my nostrils and my cheek pressed against the wild beating heart.

His Little FLOWER (Lucifer's Flower) ✓Where stories live. Discover now