Chapter 12

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"When a Devil falls in love,
It's the most hauntingly
And the most beautiful thing ever.
And you should be terrified,
For he will go to the
Depth of hell for her."

I was passing back and forth in my room shutting the door lock. I squatted down against it still not believing what I just saw and I know he saw me too even though I was far away and I did what a normal person does.


I heard a heavy foot sound echo and instantly knew who was on the other side of the door and my stomach twisted a knot in nervousness, a soft knock on the door made me want to hide somewhere.

"Flower, open the door." Hearing his soft voice my hands become sweaty. This can't be solved by running but by facing and this time I want my answers at any cost but the thing is if I am ready to face this situation, am I ready to face him?

Am I ready to face him?

And the answer is a big fat. No.

Finding no other way but to face it, I get up slowly wiping sweaty palms from my dress inhaling deeply counting to ten in my head to keep myself calm, turning the knob, and opening the door wide.

His dark locks falling on his eyes staring at me through his long lashes I moved aside to let him come in, and without breaking eye contact he came in.

"You dropped it over there while running !"

His voice blanked, voided any emotions so that his face as he raised his hand waving the book I dropped there in shock. I nodded, taking the book from him with a shaky hand and keeping it on the table, maintaining the distance between us. All the courage I gained a few minutes ago now flows away.

"I know you saw everything." His voice was raspy.

My heart beats become wild I look up to him meet his gaze only to regret as his dark cold narrowed orbs gaze down at me with so much intense, but as he tilted his head slightly to look at me the sunlight directly falls on his beautiful face and long sun-kissed neck, making his eyes look a softer and lighter shade of green-blue, no one can say if he is dangerous Devil or beautiful Angel.

"Ask whatever you want to ask!"

"Who are you?" I stuttered out, putting on a brave mask.

"Leon De Luca." He replied plainly.

"Who are you actually?" I asked carefully.

When he came out of the royal courtroom I saw him with five people and two of them a man and a woman turn into a wolf and the one was same whom I saw in the woods bent down half with their paws in front of him as if bowing and other three did same in human form before vanished in thin air.

He definitely can not be just a normal human.

He looked away pinching the bridge of his nose then looked back at me exhaling deeply this time with warmth in his eyes.

"These people call me, Lucifer !" He said so calmly and almost whispered. My eyes widened in horror.

"Leon, I asked who you are?" I asked again shouting, taking a step back, his eyes following my action as they darken and his jaw clenched.

He took a step forward but I held my guards up not moving from my place although my whole body already started to tremble in fear.

"I told you. I'm the same Lucifer whom your people gave this name to." He replied in his cold voice but his voice held honesty.

" You are lying, Lucifer was just a myth!" I yelled.

Lucifer can't be real I read about him he was given this name since he killed thousands of people and torture them in the most horrible ways possible and become king of all the shifters he had made earth living hell whoever came in his way was slaughtered by him but according to book.

His Little FLOWER (Lucifer's Flower) ✓Where stories live. Discover now