Part 1

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Author's note: Welcome to the sequel of Sinbound! I've really loved reading everyone's comments on wattpad and tiktok, you are all so supportive and amazing! So without further adieu, here is the much awaited sequel, Sinbound: Armageddon.

A little background on that word, to help better understand what Ayça has gotten herself into. The definition of 'Armageddon' (from google) is: "The last battle between good and evil before judgement day."

So basically, way to go, Ayça. You started the end of the world.

Also: smut/sex scene warning. ;)


I strut through the grand, golden hallways of the palace of Asgard. My heels grind against the floor as I round corners, my ethereal dark dress and cape floating behind me. I have my sword in my hand, ready to get anyone or anything out of my way. Guards back away from me in fear, letting me pass without hesitation. I know exactly where Loki is, and I'm pissed.

"Loki!?" I shout through the hallway as I near the throne room. The sun beats down, casting tall afternoon shadows from the columns onto the floor. I enter the room and to no surprise, I see Loki sitting powerfully on the throne with his scepter in hand.

"Darling?" He says angrily.

"Why did you leave?" I accost him, stopping at the bottom of the steps.

"Why didn't you follow?" He spits back.

"I'm here, aren't I?" I say, extending my arms to the side in frustration.

"No, you're not. You chose where you belong the moment you sat on that black, crystalized molten throne." His voice is cold and harsh as he yells at me.

"So what I promised about coming back to Asgard with you, means nothing to you?" I shake my head in disbelieve. My heart is pounding against my chest and in my ears.

"You cannot rule a kingdom if you're not there!" He shouts, clanking the scepter on the ground next to him. I flinch at the echo it makes.

"I don't want to rule that kingdom. It's dirty and lonely and-"

"You don't have a choice, not anymore." He looks away from me. This guy, I swear. I sigh, looking down at my feet. I slowly ascend the stairs so that I am face to face with him. I lean towards him, propping myself up with both hands on either armrest of the throne. I pop one hip, shifting my weight to one side. I stare into his eyes, not breaking eye contact.

"Why are you running away from me?" I ask him, my voice low and steady. This catches his attention. He looks at me with soft, sorrowful eyes and rests his posture. He relaxes his head against the back of the throne and sighs.

"It's... impossible, Ayça." He admits, his voice fading in and out from a whisper to just noises.

"What is? Loki, this isn't Romeo and Juliet. I love you, and I'm not going to let a bunch of brainless ghouls get in my way."

"Ayça, darling. There is only one way this will work in both our favors, but it is something so dangerous, I would fear the outcome and revolutions from the people on both our sides." He tries to reason.

"I ought to smack that helmet right off your head, Loki." I say through my teeth. Why is he making this so difficult?

"And here I thought you liked it when I kept it on." He smirks with one corner of his mouth, pressing his tongue into the inside of his cheek.

My mouth drops open slightly, and I cock my head. "You little-"

"What?" He says forcefully, standing up suddenly. As he rises my nose trails his chest since I had no time to step out of his way. His body is so close to mine that we're almost touching. This is unbearable. If I could, I would push him back down on that throne and throttle him right here, right now. I may be furious as all hell at him for just leaving like that after the battle without even saying where he was going, or goodbye for that matter, but I still love him. "Finish that sentence." He demands.

"No." I say arrogantly.

"Oh? My dear, there will be consequences for disobeying an order from a king." He says, looking down his nose at me.

"What are you gonna do, fuck me?" I challenge.

"Beg for it."

"You would like that, wouldn't you?" Oh god, he wasn't mad at all. This whole time, he's just been territorial. He wanted to play a game of chase.

"Why are you being a brat, Ayça?" He says, holding my neck in his hands.

"Put me in my place and find out, Loki."

"Oh, I will. I will put you on your knees and fill that pretty mouth of yours with something you'll truly choke on, giving you a break from your own lies."

Oh good god. I'm entirely speechless, and only weak, delicate sounds come from my throat as I get lost in his eyes, trying desperately to come up with something witty to say.

He mimics me, his eyebrows peaking in the middle of his forehead to mock my submissive facial expression. Then his face changes to a serious, seductive expression. "How many times am I going to have to tell you to use your words?"

"Sit." I say, gaining control of my mental stability again. He snickers, leaving his scepter stuck in the ground as he lets it go, sitting down. His legs are spread open, lounging to the sides. His hands reach for his helmet when I kneel in front of him and ask otherwise.

"You're right, I do like it when you keep the helmet on." I say, pulling the front of his pants down slowly to tease him. He helps guide them down, his breath getting heavier. I look to the side out of the corner of my eye at a guard standing by the throne. I look up at him, waiting for a response.

"Don't mind them, as far as they know you've already left. They cannot see us."

I lick my lips a little, starting to stroke his shaft. He exhales, leaning his head against the back of his throne and closing his eyes. I play with the tip using my tongue, letting my lips relax around him. He releases a louder moan and puts his hand on the back of my head, pushing himself into my mouth.

He hits the back of my throat, but I move with him into a rhythm with my hand at the base and my mouth covering the top half. "Oh, just like that..." He says breathily. I continue like how he likes it, getting flustered from the increasing volume of his groans.

He takes the hand on the back of my head and laces his fingers through my hair, grabbing at the roots. He pulls my face off of him, Making our eyes meet. He lifts my dress and runs his hands impatiently up my thighs, pulling me onto his lap. I sit on him, letting him go all the way in. It's painful and pleasurable at the same time, and I exhale loudly to let him know I need him.

I start grinding on his lap as he guides me up and down, digging his hands into my waist to control my movements. "That's a good girl..." He says, feeling how wet he's making me. I grab hold of his horns, tilting his head back to bite his neck. I suck on his skin, leaving a bruise. I run my tongue along the edge of his jawline, then lightly on his lips asking permission. He flicks my tongue with his, granting.

I kiss him hard, feeling his warm tongue rub against mine. He's angry, passionate, aggressive. God, I love it. He holds me down harder on his lap, and I feel him so deep inside me. I whimper with pleasure and my legs start to shake.

"Are you going to come for me, darling?" He groans into my ear.

"Just don't stop..." I say, getting lightheaded.

"I am not going to stop until I see your eyes roll to the back of your head with pleasure, not until you scream for me, begging for me to come inside you."

"I-" I whimper loudly. He forces me to make eye contact with him while I relax fully into him, feeling a slight pleasurable pain as he goes so far into me I almost flinch. He holds me down by my biceps, pulling me into him as I, like he wants, roll my eyes back and flutter my eyelids. He lets out a satisfied, low chuckle as he watches me come on him. He kisses me hard, releasing himself far up into me. Oh god, the eye contact.

"Do me a favor and stay for a while, will you? I still haven't made up my mind about whether or not I'm still angry with you." He says, lifting me slowly off of him. I rest on his lap, curling the sides of my mouth into a cocky smile.

"Which way to your room, my king? Perhaps we should spend hours figuring that little dilemma of yours out later tonight."

"Oh, I quite like your strategy, darling." He hisses, biting my bottom lip.

Sinbound: ArmageddonWhere stories live. Discover now