Part 11

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I've convinced Loki to come to Earth with me for a little while, now that Hela is out of the way. Not sure how long she will be kept, but we don't want to take our time for granted. We want to tell people about the engagement, but aren't sure how to explain the entire backstory.

It's not like we're getting married because we are dumb teenagers and I got pregnant, it's because we love each other and in order for us to not have a 'Romeo and Juliet' on our hands, we tie our lives together. Literally. Plus, who wouldn't want to marry the god of mischief?

We arrive at the Stark tower and I run inside, bolting out of Loki's hand that's holding mine. I rush into the main room and up to the bar where I know Tony is. He puts his drink down as I run into his arms, and he hugs me tight.

"Hey, buttercup!"

"Hey Tony!"

He sets me down and nods over to Loki. I sure hope they're on good terms.

"You would not believe who's here!" He says to me, getting me excited. He waves his hand, motioning for someone to come forward. Beth comes running over and gives me her classic almost-knocks-you-over hugs. She squeals from joy and I spin her around. She's safe, and all because of me no matter what I went through.

I set her down and she goes up to Loki next, hugging him. He looks down at my younger sister with his shoulders in his ears and arms hovering over her. He looks at me confused, as if he's never been hugged.

"It's a hug, Loki." I say, laughing at him. He lowers his arms and pats her back lightly. She staggers a moment, then releases him.

"Thank you for saving my sister. I don't know what happened after I left, but I know you took care of her. So... thanks, man." He looks at me with guilt, knowing exactly what had happened. I guess no one told her. We should probably keep it that way for now.

'So, what brings you back, kiddo?" Tony asks, handing me a soda.

"I missed you guys. And hey, we got Hela locked up, and Asgard is being rebuilt. Thanks to Heimdall and Thor, who agreed to stay on the throne for a while."

"I could take it back at any time, you know." Loki adds, stressing his royal title.

"Yes, dear." I say, chuckling and taking a swig of soda.

"How long are you staying?" Beth asks while we take a seat on the sofa in the living room. Tony and Loki join us.

"As long as I want." I say, taking another big sip of soda.

"Well, I mean-"

"that wasn't a question." I cut off Loki, holding a finger up in his face.

"Get you finger out of my face." He says playfully.

"It's not in your face, it part of my hand."

"Well, then get what's part of your hand out of my face." He says, grabbing my hand and holding it in both of his on his lap.

"Ok, that was adorable." Beth chuckles.

"Sorry, it's just... been a wild ride on Asgard lately. Getting the city back to normal and all, ya know?" I say, looking down into the bottle in my hand. "Have you seen Peter around lately?" I ask Beth.

"Yeah, he was just here yesterday. I'm sure he'd love to see you, Ayça."

"I'd love to see him too."


The next day after breakfast I call Peter to come hang out with us. It's raining, so there's not much to do outside. I wait for him while standing in front of the big glass windows overlooking the city. Loki comes up next to me, and I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my cheek on his chest. He holds me as we watch the rain fall together.

"It's beautiful, don't you think?" I say about the rain.

"You like the rain?" He asks, petting the back of my head.

"I do. I love the rain. I love the sound, how green it makes everything, the smell of the wet pavement, the romance of it." I trail off, hugging him tighter for a moment.

"The romance of it." He repeats.

"Yeah! You know, in movies the couple always kisses in the rain and it's this super romantic scene."

"As you wish, darling." He says, snapping us into the middle of the sidewalk next to a small bridge. The rain makes the water look like it's sparkling as they dance at the surface. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath, letting myself get completely drenched. I smell the pavement, and it's as sweet and bitter as it always is when it rains. I open my eyes to see Loki admiring how I enjoy the little things in life. We smile at each other, and he puts his hands on the sides of my head and kisses me slowly.

It's absolutely magical. I move closer so our bodies meet, and he puts an arm around the small of my back. I put my hands on his chest, completely giving into him.

He pulls away for a moment, then says something that makes my heart flutter so hard I could just melt. "Ayça Laufeyson, Queen of Asgard. How does that sound, my love?"

"Oh, Loki you have no idea!" I say, throwing my arms around his neck. He lifts me up and I kick me feet off the ground. He twirls me around, making splashes around his feet. I giggle and kiss him, forgetting everything. It's just me and him, and I love him.

"I love you, my dear." He says, putting me back down. He brings us back to the tower and dries us quickly with a snap of magic before Tony sees the mess we brought in. Beth and Peter are lounging on the couch in sweatpants. Beth throws a pair at me and I catch it as it hits me in the face.

"So we can match! You're Slytherin, right?" She calls over to me.

I look at them and they're dark green with a Hogwarts Slytherin house emblem embroidered on. "Naturally!" I say, running to the bathroom off the main room to change. When I come back out, I nearly choke and fucking die.

Loki is in sweatpants. Loki is in fucking sweatpants.

"Loki, what are you wearing?" I ask, rushing over to him to see him fully.

"They're quite comfortable, darling, I'm surprised I'm just know being introduced to them." He says, patting the seat next to him for me to come sit.

"Who are you?" I say, plopping down on the couch next to him and cuddling into him.

"He is Loki, King of Sweatpants!" Beth says, laughing.

"My king." I say, looking up at him lovingly.

"Ok, you two are adorable!" Beth announces.

We talk about things that I wouldn't remember in the morning. things like friend drama, new shows, anything that came to our minds. It was soothing to bring Loki into basically the other side of my life. He fits into every part of my life, even the parts that were here before he was.

We sleep in my old room, cuddled into each other as the rain comes down. As we sleep, we had no idea what was actually happening back on Asgard.

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