Part 24

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Author's note: Don't worry, we still have plenty of story left! I know some of you were worried but I assure you, this one is turning out to be longer than the first one, and I'm seriously considering making this a trilogy since I don't wanna leave the world I've created. We'll see! But for now, girls gays and theys, please enjoy an entire chapter of fluff.


I wake up alone in bed, and I have no idea what it means. Did Loki and I just have breakup sex? Am I supposed to just go on with the mission today? I wait a few minutes before I panic. Maybe he's just in the bathroom.

A solid 15 minutes roll by and he hasn't come into the room. I get up and run into the hallway. "Loki?" I call for him, but no answer. I run my hand through my hair, clutching the roots as I enter full panic mode. That could not have been a goodbye. I will literally yeet myself off this building if that was his goodbye.

I look in my bathroom, nothing. I run downstairs, my urgent footsteps echoing down the hall. "Loki!" I call for him, but there's still no answer. My eyes start tearing up until I come to the main living room. Tony is looking at me like he had found out I'm his daughter all over again, there's so much love in his eyes. And for some reason he has a suit jacket on over a 'Black Sabbath' t-shirt. What the hell is going on?

"I'd get dressed if I were you." He says.

"Where's Loki?"

"Man, you kids are obsessed with each other!" He rolls his eyes then walks over to me, placing his hands on the sides of my shoulders. "Lolli Pop is fine, go put some clothes on, there's a car waiting outside for you when you're ready." He says, then pulls me in for a hug.

I look at him skeptically, backing away slowly before turning around to head back upstairs. I reach the top, pause, and run half way back down the staircase.

"What kind of occasion am I dressing for, exactly?" I call down to him.

"The kind where everyone is looking at you so you're really glad you wore your favorite color!" He calls up.

"Um...?" I contemplate, still not understanding.

"A dress, buttercup!" He calls again, laughing at me.

I dart back up the stairs and put on a deep green dress, the one I wore to my birthday party. I put on low black heels with a strap around the ankles to keep it casually pretty. I go to the bathroom to freshen up and make myself look presentable, spray perfume, then go back downstairs.

I twirl around in front of Tony, showing off my outfit. He looks concerned. "Make good choices, kid."

"What do you mean?"

"That dress is... well just Loki's type now that I think of it."

"So I'm going to Loki?"

"Oh my god, leave!" He laughs, completely done with my relentless need to know where Loki is.

I chuckle at him, then head downstairs. When I do, there's literally a red carpet laid out from the door of the tower to the door of the shiny black car. On each side of the carpet are dozens of flower petals scattered beautifully. A man is waiting to get the door for me, and I walk up slowly to it, admiring at all the flowers.

I sit in the car and there are blue and red LED lights lining the sides, creating purple in the middle. There's a bucket of ice with my favorite wine in it and a tall, thin glass waiting next to it. "Don't mind if I do." I say to myself as I pour a glass, and the driver takes to the road. 

Only about a minute into the drive and the driver starts playing Joan Jett on the smoothest speakers I've ever heard. I sit back in the seat and cross my legs, taking a sip of my sweet white wine. Whatever you're up to, Loki, keep it up.

We arrive at a stunning garden. I have no idea where we are, I've never been to this part of New York before. It's like a sanctuary in the heart of the city. The door is opened for me and I step out, taking in everything. Damn.

The garden gates are decorated in lights and blooming vines, setting a romantic vibe right from the start. the narrow gravel pathways leading into the garden are lines with candles and people holding roses. Wait, I know those people!

The first two are Steve and Nat, and as I walk by they hand me the rose that they're holding. Instrumental music plays over speakers somewhere, and I recognize it to be the main theme from 'Howl's Moving Castle'. 

Next in line is Ash and Lily, my two best friends. Then Beth and Peter. Oh, it's so good to see her safe and back in the real world! I can't say hi to her now because I have to see what's going on, although I think I have a hunch.

Then it's Bruce and Thor, and a few of my other friends. I get to the end of the pathway and turn the corner, and lastly it's Tony, Pepper and... my mother!

"Mom! What are you doing here?" I ask, running up to her and giving her a hug. She's still in a wheelchair, but she looks good. She even brushed her hair.

"I may be a basket case, but I'm not missing this for anything." She says, giving me a light squeeze before letting go.

I turn to Tony, who is standing on his own now. He has a few scars, but he cleaned up well. I give him a hug, then Pepper.

Then, just as the music picks up, Loki walks out from around a white rose hedge. He's in his all black suit, and he looks stunning. My friends gather around behind me, watching what's happening.

"Good morning, darling." He says, kissing my hands.

"I thought..." I say, looking deeply into his eyes. I think he knows what I meant, and I think I was a fool for ever assuming he would leave me so easily.

"Never." He winks at me, as if reading my mind. "Ayca, my darling, you have heart, you have spirit, and I would be a fool to live a life without you." I start to tear up, but look up to keep my makeup in tact. "Now, call me old fashioned, but I wanted to get your parents permission." He says, glancing over at Tony and Ramona.

"Permission for what?" I ask, smiling from ear to ear, getting absolutely giddy.

"To marry you, my dear." He says, getting on one knee and taking a velvet green pocket sized box from the inside of his suit jacket. He opens it, and a golden band with the main symbol found all over Asgard is engraved into it. The emerald jewel sitting on top shines in the sunlight, giving it highlights of blue and purple undertones. On each side is a white crystal. It's not like anything I've ever seen before.

The crowd behind me squeals and gasps, awaiting the question and it's answer. "My darling Ayca, will you marry me?"

"YES!" I say without hesitation. His smile beams as he places the engagement ring on my finger, fitting perfectly. He grabs my waist as he stands back up, twirling me around and nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. The crowd applauds and I hear the sound of cameras snapping, taking pictures. Tony was right, I'm glad I wore my favorite color.

"The two of them always need an audience, don't they?" Tony says to Ramona as they both clap for us.

"They're both drama queens if you ask me." She says, chuckling to herself.

He kisses me, holding my tightly against him by an arm wrapped around the small of my back and dips me slightly. Who knew he was so romantic?

"Now, if you'll excuse us, we have some business to attend to." He says to everyone. They look a little confused. All but my mother, actually. I take a glance at her, and she's smiling at me like she knows something. She winks as Loki and I disappear from the garden with a snap of his fingers.

When I land, I find myself in the midst of rock and molten, surrounded by cold air and creatures of all sorts. They see me, and ignore me. I guess with Hela gone, they have no reason to attack. I won that battle, and they respect me for it.

I make my way to a ghastly throne and casually take my seat as the queen that they know me to be. I hold my hand out, and my royal staff appears in my hand. I clash it onto the ground, and the kingdom looks to me with their full attention.

"Any man, woman, or god that comes to this land is an enemy of mine. Do what you must to protect your queen." I say with a sly smile.

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