Part 15

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Author's note: This chapter is super long I'm sorry!! I tried fitting it all into one but alas, no such luck. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you're enjoying the story!!


"You're getting better, Darling." Loki says to me as I hold him against the old building wall with a dagger to his throat. We catch our breathe for a moment, but then he wraps his leg around the back of my knee and knocks me off balance. I roll back and catch myself, springing back up. "But don't lose focus." He instructs.

"I could say the same to you." I say with a cheeky smile, disappearing from his view and reappearing right behind him, knocking him to the ground. I throttle him with my hand gently around his neck, just enough to keep him down.

"Well, aren't you a switch." He says as I release him from my grasp. He sits up and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a kiss.

"Loki?" I ask.

"Yes, my dear?" He says, kissing down my neck.

"Do you really believe we will win this war?"

He stops kissing me and looks at me with reassurance in his eyes. "Yes, I do. Between us and our mischievous ways, I believe we will win this war. And then, I'm going to give you the most beautiful wedding and the most unforgettable honeymoon, my dear."

"Wedding and a honeymoon, huh? Is that you trying to do things the Midgardian way?" I ask, trying to lighten my mood.

"It is me trying to give you want you want."

"And how do you know what I want?" I tease him.

"Because you are going to want it, one way or another. You're going to want everyone together, celebrating more than one victory, even if some of the guests only know of the wedding aspect. And you're also going to want that honeymoon, my dear." He says, biting my neck playfully. I giggle and squirm under has grasp a little.

"I want you, Loki."

"And I want you, Ayça."


We arrive back at Tony's and I head upstairs to take a shower. When I come back downstairs, I'm surprised to see Fury talking secretively with Tony and Loki. I slowly walk up to them and Loki is the one to notice me.

"Here she is." He says to Fury, who turns to me with a serious face.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, not liking the way their weary faces look.

"Your sister and father are in protective care until this is over."

"I know..." I say, not liking the tone of his voice.

"But," He continues, "We found your mother. She was under a different name, I assume to protect herself."

"You..." I say, shocked. My eyes start to tear up. I thought my mother had disappeared off the face of the earth. After my dad forced her to leave, no one knew were she went. Most of us thought she died a long time ago. "Where is she?" I ask, filling the space between me and him to join their group.

"It's a risk seeing her, but now that we've found her we can put her under proper protection." Fury informs me. Loki reaches to hold me hand, rubbing his thumb across the top of it.

"I want to go. Please, I need to see her!"

"She's not the woman you know to be your mother. Be warned, Ayça." Fury says, handing me a card with an address.

"A mental institution?" I ask, my heart breaking.

"Like I said, she's not who you know anymore."

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