Part 13

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We arrive on Asgard and hurry to help it's defenders. The army protecting the city is strong, but stronger with a leader. "We should find Thor!" I say, trying to keep up with Loki.

"You find Thor, I will confront Hela." He instructs, and we split up. I find an empty part of the palace to hide and shut my eyes, focusing on Thor. In the midst of black I see a white flash, then a scene of a sea of people. I see Thor and Heimdall, with the Bifrost sword strapped to his back.

I open my eyes and start running as fast as I can, dodging and fighting some of Hela's army on the way. I recognize them from the battle with Thanos. Technically I am their queen, but was overruled by Hela. I'm not sure where I stand with them now. If I defeat Hela, I can take back my throne and do it right this time. Loki's full plan to be married might actually work if we follow through today. If not, we will just get to that bridge when we cross it.

I stumble my way out of the city to a nearby cave, it's doorway hidden in the cliffside. I search for a way in, but find nothing. There must be a secret way to get in. Under my breath, I try to call for Heimdall. I hope he can still hear me, and see that I'm outside.

I wait, but nothing happens. I sigh and look down, seeing that I'm standing over a man made design carved into the rocks. I bend down, feeling it with the tips of my fingers. Something I did worked, because it shined gold light under the surface, and a large tree symbol appeared in the cliffside. It splits down the middle and I stumble backwards. When it opens I see the refugees, Heimdall, and Thor.

"Lady Ayça! It's so good to see you!" Thor says, embracing me.

"I'm so glad you're safe!" I say, getting the air squeezed out of me.

He releases me and I turn to Heimdall, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Thank you..." I say, giving him a soulful look.

"Did you come alone?"

"No, Loki is dealing with Hela while I came to find you two. We can beat her now that we're all here."

"Or we can just get waisted and wait for it all to pass!" A woman's voice emerges from behind the crowd.

A young woman with her hair tied back in traditional Norse style and white markings on her face struts over to me with a half empty bottle in her hand. She offers it to me.

"I... uh..." I stutter like an idiot. Today is most certainly not the day for bi panic. "You're Valkyrie, aren't you?" I ask her, starry-eyed.

"Not anymore." She says, taking the drink back and chugging the rest of it.

"Well, pull your boots back on because we need everyone we can get."

"What's your plan?" Heimdall asks. I haven't really thought much about the plan past finding Thor and Heimdall, come to think of it. That's probably not very wise of me.

"Um..." I start, looking between the three of them nervously.

"Good plan!" Valkyrie says, raising her now empty bottle at me.

"Hey..." I say in a defensive tone.

"Well, there's no way Loki can take Hela on himself. I'd say we start there." Thor says, revving up his hammer. He looks to Heimdall over his shoulder. "Someone better keep bringing in refugees." Heimdall nods at him. Then he turns to Valkyrie, "And someone will need to find them a safe way out of here." Valkyrie rolls her eyes at first, then agrees, smashing her bottle on the ground.

"What about you and me?" I ask, looking wearily at his hammer picking up speed as it spins.

"We are going to find my brother." He says, yanking me into his chest and flying out of the cave.

When we land, I tumble forward. God, I'm clumsy, how do these guys land like that? Standards, man. I pick myself up and look around me. We're surrounded by the demons I had won in the battle. They're all looking at me and Thor who are honestly just standing there like complete idiots. We don't really make a good team...

"Thoughts?" I ask him as we turn back to back, rotating in a circle.

"It's really hot today..."

"About the demon things, dumbass!" I spit.

"Oh! Right. Uh, smash?" He says, tossing his hammer out in front of him, making it go around in a circle to hit the demons closest to us.

"I see Loki, hold them off!" I yell suddenly, seeing him and Hela at the balcony up ahead. I run to them, and as I get closer I see that she has him bent over the stone railing. Fuck.

"Miss me?" I say coming up behind her, throwing a piece of fallen stone at her head. It hits her, and she exclaims out in pain. She tosses Loki to the ground like a used napkin and fixates on me.

"Have you finally come to your senses?" She asks, I'm guessing she's hoping that I'll simply turn on everyone.

"Nope, still stupid!" I say arrogantly, whipping a weapon out of thin air and into my hand. Loki comes over to us, but I hold out my hand to stop him. "This is a rematch I've been waiting for." I say, swirling the handle of my sword a few times. Thank god I don't drop it.

We fight while Loki wards off anyone else coming to aid Hela. He's like my body guard as I try to get her head on the end of my sword, just like Thanos. I've learned a few things since our last meet, how she moves, what her tactics are. I'm quick and I use her own force against her rather than constantly going to strike.

"This would be easier if you just gave into your abilities, Ayça!" She says, taking a moment. I stand there, staring at her. She wants the demon, huh?

"You want my demons? I'll show you my demons!" I stretch my shoulders back and hear the ripping of my outfit as my wings burst out of my back. Loki turns to watch in awe. My wings start to smoke and my eyes go blood read. My fingertips, that for a while had gone back to normal, turn black again as if I dug into a pile of soot. My nails grow hard and sharp, and I scratch her across her face.

She holds her cheek in pain, and when she takes her hand away I can see four bloody wounds marking her. I roll my head on my neck, cracking it in a few sweet spots, then charge at her with my sword. I try to stab her eye, but she catches the blade in her hand and yanks it from my grasp, tossing off the balcony.

I punch her, making her nose bleed. Loki calls to me, looking defeated. "There's too many, Ayça. If we escape, we all make it out alive."

For a moment, I can't believe what he's saying. But something about him seems... knowing. He winks at me, and I fall back a little.

"Damn, looks like you won this time Hela."

"What's your game?" She asks, not buying it.

I sigh theatrically, admiring my talons as I spread my fingers out in front of me. "I guess even the antichrist can't beat you."

She begins to let her guard down. "You're giving up?" She asks, staring to get confused.

"Not giving up, giving in. If I stay here with you, You tell your army to stand down and let the citizens of Asgard return to their homes in peace."

"You're bargaining with me?" She says, laughing at my attempts to toy with her as if I'm just a child. Meanwhile, Loki has slinked away where she can't see him. He's up to something, but just what I'm not even sure.

"Yes, that's my bargain, you mewling quim." I hope he heard me, I want to see his proud face from me using his best line later.

"You are no betrayer, Ayça, I know that."

"Maybe not, but I'm an excellent liar." I say, flying up out of the way as Loki comes from behind her to attack. She catches him the moment he strikes, throwing him off the balcony. I rush to it, panicked that it didn't work.

"You will watch as I lay waste to Asgard!" She shouts at me.

"Hela, don't!" I hear Thor scream from afar.

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