Part 28

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"I can't see shit!"

"Wow, Sherlock Holmes, I wonder why?" I sass my sister while we all figure our way through the panic room. We started off in a room with just a small door with a dirty couch in front of it, a candle, and we need to find a hidden key to unlock the door to the next room. We feverishly all look around for it when Madison yelps.

"What, did you find it?" Lily asks, rushing over to her.

"No, but I found a spider!"

"Oh jeez..." I say, continuing my search. I kick something that makes a ting as it skips across the concrete floor in front of me. "Hey wait, Ash, hand me that candle?" I ask, reaching my hand out and standing still. Ash gives me the candle and I hold it to the floor in front of me, following the trail of what I had just kicked. "I found it!" I say, picking up the skeleton key.

"All right!" Madison cheers. I go to unlock the door and we enter a hallway with dull red lights. A disembodied voice tells us that we have passed phase one and are now entering phase two. Suddenly, a siren sounds and the walls begin to close in on us. 

We playfully scream, dashing up and down the hallway trying to find an exit.

Beth trips, falling onto her hands and knees. "Beth!" I yell, helping her up.

"Crud! What the hell was that?" She asks, twisting in her seat to look at what she tripped over. 

"The siren is getting louder!" Madison warns, and Beth and I notice a small trap door. She must have tripped on the handle.

"Guys, quick! In here!" I say, lifting it up. The door stops the walls from getting any closer and we all slide down one by one through the trap door.

We land in a pitch black room surrounded by wall to wall mirrors. "There, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"What is it with you and freakishly enjoying danger?" Beth asks, a little out of breath.

"You attract what you are, I guess."

We continue our journey through the panic rooms, feeling victorious the moment we get out of one and well, panic as soon as we enter the next. We finally make it out and enter the breezy night air that welcomes us back to reality. 

"So was that a... team building exercise?" Ash says, laughing and out of breath.

"That was scary!" Beth says, laughing along with Ash.

"But fun?" I ask the both of them, and they confirm they had tons of fun. We move on to our night club portion of the evening, getting into the limo and blasting music on the speakers as we head into town.

We enter the club, and immediately I'm reminded of the time Loki and I escaped in Tony's car to spend the night together. We had come to a night club, and had some knife play fun in the hallway that lead to some heavy petting. I remember he said he didn't want to take advantage of me. What a gentleman. No offense though, I would not have minded.

We buy drinks and dance, taking goofy pictures and bouncing to the music. It's nearing midnight, and I tell the group we should head back to the hotel and finish the night there.

"Or we could stay a little longer!" Valkyrie yells over the music.

"Haven't had enough to drink, or something?" I yell back to her, and she takes me to the bar to get me another drink. She toasts to me, and the rest of my friends join in. We link arms and take a shot together as Lily snaps a picture. When she gives the phone back to Val, she says she got a notification.

Valkyrie turns away from me, playfully hiding her phone. She looks at it quickly, then turns back at me. "The hotel is ready now!"

'What's that supposed to mean?" I ask her, but she doesn't answer. Instead, she grabs my wrist and pulls me through the crowd and puts me in the limo. I stumble in and scoot over, letting everyone inside.

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