Part 7

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"SON of a BITCH!" I scream, proceeding to lose my shit.

"That's not possible, Odin is still alive!" Loki says, terrified. "Where is Thor in all this?" Thor is supposedly on the throne while Loki and I are here on Earth. Something must have happened to him if Hela is here. Peter starts crying and I go up to hug him.

"Peter, it's not your fault!" I say, trying to comfort him. He cries into my shoulder.

"Ayça, I'm so sorry!" Peter sobs.

"Ayça, we must return to Asgard immediately. If she's captured your sister, it means all hell has broken loose. There's no time to waist." Loki says, grabbing my arm and getting ready to take us back to Asgard.

"Hey, kiddo?" Tony calls out, jogging towards us. "Hey, stay safe, ok? I, uh..." He says, his voice shaking a bit.

"Watch Peter, ok?" I say, tearing up.

"Yeah. Yeah, I will kiddo. Kick some ass for me?" He says, giving me one last hug.

We separate, and disappear from the Stark Tower.


A man lies bloody on the floor of the Bifrost and the sword missing. Loki, after spending most of his time on Earth in his all black witch suit, is now in his iconic Asgardian attire. He looks ready for a fight, meanwhile I'm out here in a fucking sundress and keds. We can hear screams from across the bridge.

"That doesn't sound good..." Loki states, waving a hand towards me.

"Yeah, no shi-" I start to sass him, but am stopped by a jolt of energy. I look down to find myself in my ass kicking outfit from the battle with Thanos. "How did you-?" I say, twisting around to look at it's pristine condition.

"You're not going in there unprepared, darling." He says, grabbing my hand and bringing us to the throne room of the golden palace. Wow, even in complete crisis he still calls me 'darling'.

When we arrive, Hela is sitting on the throne. Her legs are crossed and she is guarded by ugly, dirty skeletons in warrior uniforms. A few of them have staffs.

"You made it." She says, her lips curling into an evil smile.

"Where the fuck is my sister!?" I shout at her. Loki looks at me wearily, but I pay no attention to her. Hela may be the goddess of death, but I am death. I am the fucking antichrist.

"You two are so much alike, aren't you?" She says, getting up from her throne to walk towards us. Her stride is like a snake if it had legs, swaying almost beautifully with every step.

"What of Odin?" Loki demands.

"Oh, that old man? He's dead. I killed him."

Loki's eyebrows point in the middle, a sorrowful breathe leaving his lungs. I stay silent.

"Oh, don't be pitiful about it, it's not like you. My goodness, you've gone soft. What happened to the you that wanted to take over civilization on Earth?"

"Hey, fuck off, lady. Just tell me where my sister is."

She snarls at me, then motions something to her guards. Suddenly, they're rushing towards Loki and has him to his knees and his hands restrained before he can even react. I stand still, not wanting to show weakness. If I show fear, she will know that I love him and will absolutely use that against me.

Loki struggles, but can't get up. We don't look at each other, and instead I'm looking Hela dead in the eyes. "Leave us." She orders, and they drag Loki away. He calls out, but I can't hear him once he's further down the hallway. I have a hunch of where they're taking him. I hope I'm right.

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